Are these people always like what you encountered?
No, some are fine people. But certain characteristics are 'amplified' by the attitudes fostered in religious obsession.
Let me relate an example of similar behavior that I have endured.
My father decides to 'visit' me, supposedly to see me and the house I just bought. But they arrive in the middle of the week to go to a Dis-trict Convention scheduled for that week. So, they go to that DC and spend the next week with me. Of course, this is typical of JW vaca-tions.
Within 1 hour of setting foot in my house, Dad is on the phone and has located the nearest local 'congregation' (cell, 'congo' or hive).
I took them to the first day of the convention. Somebody from the local hive shows up to take them to the 2nd day ses-sions, as I dropped into work to close a project. The next day or so, old JW friends living nearby showed up for ferry duty. During the 2nd week of the visit, some creature from the local hive shows up to take Dad to the Book Study. Please note that someone over there now knows where I live.
So, after the 2nd week, my family leaves. Either the 2nd or 3rd Satur-day, the creature from the local hive shows up again. My front door is open, but the screen door is not. This person DOES NOT KNOCK, enters my house and THEN greets me!!!!
I reply, 'excuse me, but WHAT are you doing?'. I point to the door and send him back to the doorstep. He says that he is here to bring me back to the KH (Kingdom Hall). My father has informed him of 'all the wonderful things that I have done'. (I once pioneered.) He 'also in-formed me that you have not been able to find the local KH'!!!
I laughed and told him that was nonsense. I pointed to my telephone and said that my father had found you within the first hour of his ar-rival and that I was equally capable of using the telephone.
I chatted with him and sent on his way. My basic message was 'don't call us, we'll call you'.
After this incident, I called my father. I asked him to explain this situation. To my surprise, he didn't deny it. I then informed him that he had lied to this 'brother', to get his own way of things. He barked back that 'I did it for your own good'. At that point, I in-formed him that he had violated my rights and my wishes. I also men-tioned that he had made decisions for me and in my name, without con-sulting me.
These people feel that they are in charge of your life FOREVER, if you are their child. This is especially so if you have 'gone along the program' for any length of time. THEY WILL RUN YOUR LIFE FOR YOU!!!
The chain of reasoning for this attitude is roughly this:
1) They are convinced that they are right and the 'only true religion'.
2) All others will be destroyed.
3) Any non-JW presence (including governments) is a temporary matter.
4) All non-JW's are less than 2nd class citizens: they are dead. Lit-erally, they are walking dead ones.
5) Therefore, it follows that any JW (even the lowliest) 'outranks'
any non-JW.
6) So, you have to do what they demand (originally I said request) be-cause they said so.
OH, you weren't aware of this? Well, everybody knows that. You obvi-ously have missed meetings!!!
I am being facetious, but this is very real to them. THEY LIVE THIS APPARITION DAILY.
These people also feel that you are obligated (biblically) to grant forgiveness. Under ordinary circumstances, I tend to agree. But, I have counted over 600 times that my father has phoned me, ran other people down, then turned his attention to me and demanded that I 'do this' or 'do that' in the name of the religion. This is since I left his house over twenty years ago.
So, the last time this occurred, I refused to grant this forgiveness and informed him that he had done this before and had abused the Bible and this privilege of kindness on part of others. In the same vein that a prisoner is expected to reflect on his crime, I told him to do exactly that. Forgiveness or absolution absolves them of taking re-sponsibility for their actions. No, this time you will answer for your sins.
The bottom line: a person may think that they chose that religion. Think again. If you join and it gets its hooks into you, THEY OWN YOU (in their eyes). That is the thought process.
PS. I agree with Thirdson/Dave. It is the 'what' of it.