Many Jehovah's Witness friends know the old boys at Brooklyn are trying to sell six buildings there all of a sudden here now that we're into May 2007. I'm not sure but think late last year they also had to sell an especially pretty convention site they owned in Sweden, and there may have been some smaller properties they had to liquidate.
Speculation has been that each of the 16 sex abuse victims may have been awarded $3,000,000 to $4,500,000. Even if the amounts were less, still, there are other Jehovah's Witnesses and ex-Jehovah's Witnesses who will step forward to sue the living you-know-what out of Ted Jaracz and his cohorts sitting on the worldwide Governing Body in Brooklyn.
Court ruling shows they are responsible for the doings and misdoings of local elders. So long as there are elders or an organized group, the Watchtower Society rulers are definitely responsible. $$$$$$$
"Faithful and Discrete Slaves" who cause their master's possessions to grow - - clearly, they not. Who the Real Apostates are, yes, many now see that they themselves who so loved to cast that stone at others are in fact that themselves and bear far more weighty liability.
Why are they so incompetent that they never learned that when you put pressure on people hoping to shut them up it fails? That when you throw money at them there may be quietness where the money went but elsewhere pandimonium breaks out! Such misleadership! They have certainly disfellowshipped themselves in the eyes of Christian donor$ of moneys.
Yes, they bought a little time via a lot of Watchtower Society money but still it is now known that the Watchtower Society does not enjoy "ecclesiastical privilege" because as it became established in California they themselves do not honor the necessary one-to-one confessor-confessee requirement for it, since not one but an entire body of elders (say 5 to 12 men) and who knows how many secretaries, data-entry operators and filers in Brooklyn may get to see what all someone has confessed.
Records in Brooklyn's basement and filed by the local congregation secretaries may be any second now going to get more light shone on them via the courts or who know but somehow from outside of it. For example, who knows but maybe some elders will even photocopy and anonymously distribute copies of BOE Judicial Committee dealings? Some elders may think and act in accord with it is good to defend the Little Ones too, isn't it?
Do you reading elders, not love Jehovah? Then surely some elders will do the things whatever they are that Jehovah wants done. The wheat chaff must go, the rotten fruit cut off.
There is no "fool proof" way anybody can listen in to all the doings of pedophiles and sift them out for often the local elders or their ministerial servants themselves are pedophiles (for example Rick McLean of California).
Misleading Governing Body, the jig is up. You lost. You're also going to lose on the blood transfusion issue. You try to ignore Lawrence Hughes and the other bereathed parents protesting the deaths of loved ones who died after following the notions of Gene Smalley, Ted and the rest of his hand-picked band.
Lawrence Hughes hasn't gone away! This very second he and others across Canada are seeing to it that JWs at some of the major conventions find out what's going on. Don't you have sense enough to see that although you teach JWs not to vote still it is more than possible to "vote by the pocketbook" and many are by cutting down on the donation$ offered to you. More will do so. THANKS FRIENDS!
There is, as David Reed has written, blood on the altar. The voices of children still being raped are also crying out from the altar. You will not be able to shut up every child now will you? Now every little child in the kingdom halls is more powerful than each of you shameful, shamed cowards are. How you must tremble! Good. You should, and you will. The officers of the courts have now seen it all. You others love the views of Ted Jaracz and Gene Smalley more than you love the children, our dearest Little Ones.
And how does the Real Jehovah of heaven feel in seeing those across the states and nations who have wrapped themselves in the mantle and name of Jehovah while vainly using His name, allowing the perverts to do things of the dark such as peeping Tommery, to rape and to bleed, and to Awake the innocents, His tenderly loved true annointed ones too?
When those who are unworthy partake at the Memorial of Christ's Last Supper, do you who are so shamelessly immodest and most unworthy not know the Faithful and Discrete Slave who is in heaven is looking on?
To any active JWs, where shall you go? Where indeed but to Christ who is the WHOW not just a where or a what. See! There are churches and fellowships based on Christian love and kindness rather than endless doctrine rules and regulations such as this phoney Governing Body loves. Some may be independent Christians or form into independent Bible Study groups.
Best wishes however and wherever the scattering sheep may trod, just may they focus on the love and kindness and mercy of Christ and so be okay. Others may prefer whatever they were before, etc. It's up to each, but again, the key is love, something not coming out of Brooklyn where harshness reigns on the throne and the altar has a dark red stain in the suddenly brightening sunlight.
Do we not hear a mighty shriek, a fearsome shout of horrified anger by those who have been betrayed?
Run. Go find yourselves a cave, Ted and company. Try to hide in there. From comets to huge balls of hailstones, the real truth is raining upon your words. Pled unto Christ and repent acknowledging that you yourselves are turned against the true Jehovah.
Indeed, why don't you shout louder than ever that you want, that you need and that you are beggggggggg for donation$. The more you get in $$$$$$$ the more the other victims will be getting. Shame on you. In these last days of the Watchtower the light is getting brighter on you. Behold, the convention boxes are ready. Collect, collect, collect for the victims that you bear responsiblity for.
There shall be no more other secrets either. There was a beastly monster hurled from the heaven which thought it had BIG EARS and EYES, whether human or electronic for piercing into and seeing and hearing what all was going on, but behold those Big Ears and Big Eyes turned upon themselves.
Do we suppose Ted Jaracz also has such dreams or that now he will as he too reads this from the hands of the trolls? What do you think, friends?
Yes, the real truth is being made visible and it cannot be hidden as a candle in a basket set upon the top of a high hill in the pitch darkness. You whoever you may claim to be wherever upon this earth are yourselves being pitched out, your own teeth gnashing as you go and as you shout "Jehovah, Jehovah" or "Lord, Lord!"
Thou art phoney baloneys and a little child shall lead them who are the police to your innermost secrets among the innermost circle of Intimates. Oh, do run, and with you will goeth some of your most devoted trolls. David was annointed, Saul was annointed. Being annointed is not salvation. Salvation is being annointed by the grace of Christ and then FAITHFULLY sticking with Christ. No one is perfect but Christ, but those who are truly annointed battle on behalf of the Christ. Are you who hear the voice of Christ in your hearts truly annointed, or annointed but apostate as was Saul? Make your choice now or go down with the tower that slides into the sea of darkness.
Governing Body, O Theodore, you have deliberately chosen to ignore the cries of Wisdom in the streets, and so now your fall begins.
No, let no one worry about the misguided sheep. They will discern their master, and who is that master but the Faithful and Discrete Slave called Jesus Christ, the Son of Jehovah God Almighty whose name you who shudder now in Brooklyn have but chanted in vain while Jehovah's Witness children and adults have been raped crying and bled dying.
Woe unto the harlot and her sisters. You are uncovered and found seriously wanting. You betrayed your trust so off into the chasm you must go. The sheep hear the bell of their Master and return unto him. May the sheep literally listen to Christ. His words are in the Bible. The lambs are silent no more!
BTW I believe Randy has noted that the information presented in Nashville tomorrow by will also be presented at San Diego and it will be circling the globe continously now via the internet, but also by press releases etc. You can sent out busybodies to find out all this, sure, but there's no way you or they can stop it. The real Truth is the Real Truth. Run, Watchtower cowards, run, run, run!
There is Jehovah, and there is the Watchtower. Which shall you of Jehovah's Witnesses who read this serve? The Faithful and Discrete slave is not a body of unfaithful imperfect men who call themselves annointed, it is instead the annointed Slave of God, the Christ.