Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Settled

by Dogpatch 166 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Blueblades

    Two points that I have. 1 ) Where is the Watchtower getting the money to pay off the victims? If the money is coming from the worldwide work and the selling of properties wherein such properties where bought using the www monies that I and you contributed for that work, then this is misappropriation of funds. The money should be coming from the guilty parties ie. the Pedofiles themselves and each member of the Governing Body and each member of the Legal Department ie. JR. Brown, Jarrish, and others personal monies ,not the worldwide work funds.

    2 ) Jail sentences should be given to the individuals that committed these crimes and those who are considered enablers such as the Governing Boby members and legal department.


  • ButtLight
    Jail sentences should be given to the individuals that committed these crimes and those who are considered enablers such as the Governing Boby members and legal department.

    I was just thinking the same, the WTS takes the contributions, pays these people off, and what, the abusers go off scott free to continue serving as elders and such???

  • Dogpatch

    Thanks y'all for keeping the post up. Danny and I take very little credit for this but love it all the same. Thanks to ALL OF YOU OUT THERE (you know who you are) who have had a major part in this drama. It has only just begun.


  • MadTiger

    Good work.

  • OnTheWayOut
    ALL JWs despise child molestation (as well as molestation PERIOD) - except the Pretender Pedofiles lurking in ALL groups, even ours.
    The Catholic Church is the only Church that openly just transfers Ped-Priests to other locations when discovered, not US.

    Mad, Mad, Mad.

    The rank-and-file members do hate the acts of child molesters. There are not necessarily more molesters in the JW's
    than in other groups. Don't miss the issues here. Read some of the stuff at silentlambs and learn.

    The problem with the Catholic Church was the transferring Ped-Priests as you mention, but also the problem was that
    they covered up the problem for the victims. It would look bad.
    WTS is just as guilt in this. They covered it over. Policy dictated that nobody was guilty without two credible witnesses.
    That could be understood if that were the only issue. If the person denies the allegations, and there is only the one child
    coming forward, then the child and his/her family were powerless. If they warned others, they were spreading gossip and
    slander, subject to DF.

    Two elders would interview the child to determine credibility. Let's see. I was an elder. How much training did I get to
    prepare me to interview children who are potential abuse victims? NONE. How could I say, "Well, little girl, nobody else
    agrees with what you said. You have no proof. Don't tell anyone else about this." (Elders always tell people involved in anything
    judicial "Don't tell anyone else about this.") Later WTS told elders not to discourage parents from reporting this to authorities, but
    what about a child abused by a parent? Maybe the elders needed to report this to professional authorities who are trained to
    ascertain the truth of the matter and are trained to help the victim, instead of protecting a corporation.

    If the elders say there are not two witnesses, and haven't ENCOURAGED professional help for the victim, there is another
    danger. The pedophile is still meeting with other JW children (nobody is allowed to warn them) and is going door to door and
    meeting more children, sometimes studying the WT literature in the homes of families that learn to trust him around their
    children. If the child were helped by authorities, and the authorities eventually found the pedophile guilty, or at least found
    that the child had been abused, the elders could directly tell the guy not to work with children, always be accompanied by
    adults. Perhaps there would be times that direct warnings could be appropriate.

    You can say that the elders and the WTS are not responsible for all this, but the WTS put the process into place that
    abuse victims had to work within. They damaged the victim before they could seek true outside help. They belittled the
    testimony. This makes it more difficult to go forward in life. Many were told they would be DF'ed if they breathed a word to
    other JW's (with children).

    I agreed with you at first, then I learned the issues. Now, the policy of WTS is to only report to authorities when the law says
    they have to. Otherwise, the untrained elders still interview the little girl. "How did he touch you? How often? Who saw this?"
    The congregation still doesn't warn others. I know these are complex issues- you can't just tell everyone that former Elder Bob
    was a pervert. He has rights. But the way WTS policy has dealt with this was very wrong.

  • OnTheWayOut
    'Mad': To try and excuse, dismiss, or undermine this is, IMO, going too far. Your account is suspended.

    Simon, I believe you are serious. Please reconsider. Mad is under the impression that
    a multimillion dollar publishing company has deep pockets, so they are unfairly being held
    responsible for the independent actions of some bad people, who just happen to be members
    of the company. This is a common belief, and is a valid belief. He doesn't understand that
    the company made matters worse.

    We need people like Mad to help us remember where we came from. I thought the child
    molesters issue was overblown at first. I still say there are many molesters in other religions, that
    it isn't just a JW problem. I just did the homework to understand why it's a bigger problem with
    WTS and it's policies.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    Please let MAD stay on the board. I like my idiots where I can see them. He reminds me of my mother when she initially heard about the abuse scandal: "oh, the apostates are going to have a field day with this!" She had not one shred of sympathy for the victims. She was concerned that the almighty Org's name wasn't "blasphemed".


  • Paralipomenon

    If any of your think that Mad is gone, you have much to learn about internet trolls.

    They don't go away. They never go away.

    Well until you IP ban them, most aren't smart enough to learn how to get around those.

  • Pubsinger

    I too would like to see Mad restored to the board.

    He's doing so much damage to the WT.

    I'd let him post but I really don't think anyone should respond to anything he says.

  • Quandry

    So many believe just about everything they read- even on 'free-for-all' boards like this! Then the emotions take over...

    I am not sure if MAD is trying to say that he doesn't believe all these people who testified or not. I am sure the lawyers for the victims did not go to trial with hearsay evidence or without witnesses.

    I think it is evident that MAD either does not have children or his are grown and never were abused in any way, so he has no conception of the life long anguish that abuse of this kind causes to children and their families.

    I know that until my child was emotionally abused by elders in a JC (they tried to force her for over two hours to admit to fornication, something they had already declared there was no accusation of, no witnesses, and no confession to) and constantly humiliated, berated, and demeaned her, then called her a liar, I would never have dreamed anything like this was possible.

    Until such time as my own family was horribly treated by this "loving organization" I would have agreed with Mad. I was that convinced the WTS was the only channel to God.

    When someone like MAD falls, and he probably will when his conscience gets to him and he confesses to posting on apostate websites, he may then get the kind of treatment that he feels deep in his heart has never happened before in the WTS.

    Please don't ban him. I want to be around when he comes around.

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