Spiderman 3 (Spoilers, do not read unless you want the movie ruined)

by free2beme 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I went and saw Spiderman 3 this last weekend and wondered what others thought of it.

    I liked it, but felt there was a lot less storyline covered, which seems to be the problem with all of Marvels third installments (X3). I wished it could have had more time with Venom, and not the quick battle at the end, that ended all to quick. Also, if you ever followed the Spiderman comics, you know the black stuff actually came down in a Space Shuttle that crashes with Jamisons son on board, I thought they kind of missed out on not following that, by just doing a quick astoriod hit and done. The new Goblin was cool, but just when he got interesting in the battle with what could have been a cool team fight, the battle is done and he is left dying. Anyway, I liked the movie, but much like other Marvel comics, I walked away feeling like this could have been better and yet realizing this was it. This is the last Spiderman, as Marvel will only allow three movies in their characters to avoid the mess that Superman and Batman became. Who knows though, maybe one day it will be reinvented to something else.

    Anyone remember the Spiderman series of the 1970's?


    You can see why Marvel is so careful

    Other characters I hope to see in their own movies soon ...

    Green Lantern

    Wonderwoman (Can you imagine the modern day outfit, if they used this one in the 1970's?)


    Linda Carter still looks good.

    Also, how about a Justice League movie?

  • Heather

    My son thought it was "awesome"....but then again he is 9. This was the first movie i took him to on opening day and he was all "why is there a line"??? It was a fun mom son thing...As for me, I thought it was okay. Personally I think it could have been better....like you said where it lead up to the battle......could have been more charactor info.

  • 5go
    Batman became

    They redeemed it with begins

  • free2beme

    I agree, but they sure did drive the old version in to the ground. Espcially, when Batman became the role that all the new attractive men in Hollywood played. Personally, I liked the first one with Michael Keaton though. The 1970's Batman

  • SirNose586

    I wish I had four hands so I could give this movie...

    Four thumbs down!!!

    Seriously. Seriously. Eric Foreman as Venom? What the hell, did they even SAY Venom? I really can't remember them saying Venom. All they said was symbiote this, symbiote that. For Spiderman's friggin' ARCHNEMESIS, he sure didn't have any backstory, as in, none at all. So there's a kid with frosted hair and a camera who, after losing a job because he photoshopped a picture, wants Parker dead? Non sequitur. It doesn't make sense. Furthermore, how the hell am I supposed to be afraid of a Venom who's no more bigger than Spidey himself?

    Sandman now becomes some sort of invincible golem freak. What. The. Deuce. That makes him way too powerful. They did a good job in casting T. H. Church as the heavy. I really enjoyed how after Sandman becomes an invincible sand monster, he just stops fighting the police and then comes up and apologizes to Spidey. WTF??? "Oh, I'm sorry bro, here, let's hug."

    Aside from the music, the whole emo-hip-Parker thing was just way too corny. I just really didn't want to watch it anymore after that little vignette.

  • free2beme

    I like Sandman and all, but I wish they used Rhino

    ,,, or mysterio

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    this was a really interesting film in that I really enjoyed it but hated the characters. I really wanted Peter Parker to get his ass handed to him on a plate and I was hoping that Venom would kick spidey's ass.

    I went to see it with some friends from work on the day it opened here and before we went one of my friends described Peter Parker as a totally unlikeable character. Judging by the first two films and having used to read the comics, I couldn't see what she was saying; after watching SM3 I could totally see where she was coming from and having taken a look back through some of the comics I think this version of Peter Parker is closer to how he was intended to be.

    Some things in the film were pretty lame - Sandman giving in so quickly for instance, and I totally wanted to strangle Kirsten Dunst character.

  • free2beme
    totally wanted to strangle Kirsten Dunst character.

    Well, I agree, but I dislike the actress pretty much in anything. I think she came across as a whiner, as they did not give enough time to explain the story. Who! Would have a close relationship with someone and not call them the moment they got fired from an acting job. She played a high maintenance, over dramatic girl. As much as I liked Spiderman, I always felt he was a little too goodie goodie for me. I liked darker, more deadly Marvel Characters, like Wolverine or Ghost Rider. Ones who actually killed people. Also, Spiderman looks better in black, the red blue and black outfit, always seemed lame. I did think Tobey played him well, but an actor is limited to the script, and this is not an Oscar movie. It will make billions though.

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    It's a renter...

  • 5go
    I liked the first one with Michael Keaton though.

    I did to and Val Kilmer.

    Batman and Robin was basicaly and remake of the adam west series.

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