Aren't You Glad You're Out of the Organization??? Do You Now Have A Life?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Sometimes I like to go out, have a couple of drinks and enjoy the food

    Me too! Glad to have my whole family and one friend out. Yes we do have a life


  • Anti-Christ

    I'm glad and I do have a life and it's MY life. It feels good to take control of your own life.

  • themonster123

    I have no Life and I wish I was back in that cult...LOL, nah but seriously.... I sit and think about how 6 million + people are praying to...Nothing....I think about how my Mom goes to Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday meeting God and no Jehovah and Jesus and angels (I don't believe in them anyway)...I think about ALL those wasted lives...Like I saw a CD in my Mom's car labeled "In the time of the end" and it was a "really good talk" from some convention- well, she's sitting in her car listening to words she believes to be true and it scares me!!! Because her WHOLe life was dedicated to this religion. I'm just glad I realized it was a farce here at 21 years old...

    Sometimes I can't believe all those JWs who are dedicating their LIVES to..... N-O-T-H-I-N-G...esp. the ones like the Mom who has 3 kids and has to sneak to the meeting after working all day and tell her husband she went to the grocery store or whatever.

    WHen all these people could be doing really cool things, like traveling, doing fulfilling satisfying things and not driving their Camrys and Corollas around white-picketed fenced neighbourhoods wearing uncomfortable clothing every Saturday morning, like freaks distributing magazines w/ crazy covers on them...I sigh. And...the PIONEERS-you know how MUCH they do??!! EVERY SINGLE morning at 9 am at the hall doing the damn thing-

    It's all too much to think of these people literally WASTING their lives-there is NO paradise, there is NO armageddon-it's all nothingness. THey should be enjoying their short stay here on Earth. There is no Hope, only the here and now. I hope my Mom, friends, and brother realize that soon...

  • themonster123

    and i come here to get my fill of talking about witness stuff- out there, I never talk about it-it's not relevant and no one cares, so this is the only place i talk about witness stuff, it's not like I talk about it outside of this forum....EVER. And the reason I like to talk about it a lot is b/c it's a huge part of who I am-it defined 98% of my LIfe- and now...this is like recovery and therapy for me to talk about this random religion so few truly understand. To talk about it is to understand my history, and, thus my present and future.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I'm having a terrific time outside of that religion just doing whatever I've always wanted to do. Regular events in life do get in the way of my posting here, but posting and reading here is still really cool. I've found that being an ex-jw is awesome because I have this unique take on life I never would have if I had grown up a normie.


  • WTWizard

    Now I will be able to do many of the things that normal people take for granted. Like celebrating Christmas. Putting up that Christmas tree and all the decorations. Like not having to worry about "It's the end of the month and I need to get out in service today". Not having to worry about making it to the meetings. Not worrying about what new wacky resolution they are going to pass this assembly--and not even having to worry about being there. Not having to waste money donating when I know there's going to be another artificial deficit at the last session. Using language like "Luck" and "Bulletin" without being censored. And so on.

  • minimus

    I did enjoy the apostofest that I went to though. It helps you see how many fellow posters think just like you.

  • jaguarbass

    I sure am. Funny though, the only time I REALLY think about the good old days is when I come here. When I meet other exjws, quite often they seem consumed by their present situation. Sometimes I like to go out, have a couple of drinks and enjoy the food. Having to hear about Witness stuff 24-7 gets boring and irritating......What's your thinking on this?? I agree with you. I could never imagine going back. It would be like house arrest. I have been out since 83. The memories are pretty burried now. They say time heals all. Thank God, or Time. I'm pretty sure I have an extra 10 hours a week to spend as I see fit, not some pulp magazien publishing company in Brooklyn New York.

  • snowbird
    Not having to worry about making it to the meetings. Not worrying about what new wacky resolution they are going to pass this assembly--and not even having to worry about being there.

    Amen to that, WTWizard. Glad to see that our tastes are similar.


  • minimus

    Many of us are "out" of the Organization but unfortunately a few are still "in" because they won't let go.

    I regularly post topics that make persons reading them think about their Watchtower past. I think this is healthy. What I don't think is healthy, though, is when a person CANNOT move on in their life. Not good! We should look at our pasts to learn from our mistakes and never forget that this Organization is not "The Truth".

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