Question about Settlement of Child Abuse Cases.

by Blueblades 27 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Blueblades

    I have two points to make that I feel are valid. Correct me if I'm wrong. 1) Where are the funds coming from to pay out these settlements? If they are coming from the Worldwide Work and the selling off of properties funds, then this is a misappropriation of funds.

    Funds that you and I gave over the years to be used to support the preaching work. These funds cannot be used to pay off criminal acts committed by the members of Watchtower Society. The Governing Body is complicit because of it's policy on Child Abuse. So, each single person, Governing Body members, the individual Pedofile, should be paying out of their own deep pockets and none of the settlement money should be coming out of The World Wide Work funds.

    Misappropriation of funds is considered a crime, is it not? Do I have a valid legal point or not? Can they use monies that you and I gave for a special work to pay off these settlements.

    The Child Abuse victims deserve all that they can get in these settlements that I agree on.

    2) Each and everyone involved in these child abuse acts, the Pedofiles and the enablers, that is each member of the Governing Body who are complicit because of their policy on the Child Abuse cases should be given jail sentences not just paying off individuals with a gag order.

    I realize that civil cases are one thing and criminal cases another.

    If we can stop them from using www funds for these acts, then we can break them individually and send them packing off to jail.


  • Scully

    I suppose the WTS could argue that they never really defined the totality of what the World Wide Work involves. Most JWs assume that it is to help poorer JWs have their own KHs. They don't believe that the GB live the high life on their Voluntary Donations.

    That might be a way to tie up more of their legal team in court too.

    Is it time to call in a forensic accountant? That would be really sweeeeeet.

  • slimboyfat

    Will this thread survive, more to the point!

    Moderators are on a rampage for some reason.

    Can we have some sort of announcement or explanation about what is going on?

    What can we post about and what are we to avoid?


  • DJK
    Each and everyone involved in these child abuse acts, the Pedofiles and the enablers, that is each member of the Governing Body who are complicit because of their policy on the Child Abuse cases should be given jail sentences not just paying off individuals with a gag order.

    Yes! You are correct and they settled so they wouldn't have to got to jail.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I don't know, but I assumed that insurance would cover some or most of the payments. Didn't it work the same way with the Catholic Church settlements?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I agree with Scully. I don't think there are any real legal restrictions on their cash because of the generic way in which they solicit these funds.

    On the other hand it can be quite distressing for a JW to learn that all those donations are being used to pay off ex-members. God isn't supposed to allow for that kind of thing to happen to the organization.

  • Sirona


    You avoid breaking the forum rules. Thats it as far as I was aware.

    On topic, I think they must have some clause which states that they can use the funds as they see fit.


  • Scully


    What can we post about and what are we to avoid?

    Posts containing links to silentlambs have been removed, pending a decision as to whether JWD will allow advertising from silentlambs. Anyone who wishes to view press releases from silentlambs can certainly go there without links being posted on JWD.

  • Blueblades

    DJK, Settling financially, does not always free you from serving jail time for a criminal act. Child Abuse is criminal. Sometimes you go to jail and pay a fine or both. It all depends on what is civil and what is criminal or both.


  • bebu

    Thanks for the info, Scully (disregard my pm).

    What about the site? Can we post a link to the press release there? It includes the silentlambs link, I believe.


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