Here's an argument I like to use with an evolutionist:
Me: So you say God doesn't exist, but life evolved from some primordial soup right?
Epicurus: That's right. Life came into existence by accident in this mechanical universe.
Me: So, it all started with this massive explosion; "Big Bang"?
Epicurus: Sure nuff!
Me: But, can life come from inanimate matter?
Epicurus: Naw! The simple celled life forms were already there.
Me: Who created those? I mean they just don't pop up from nowhere do they?
Epicurus: No, they were created, NO!....I mean...they were already here!
Me: Okay...we've established that, but how did they get here?
Epicurus: Science hasn't figured that out yet.
Me: Oh! Science hasn't figured it out. Well, let's say we fill this box with a bunch of inanimate things. We'll turn it in a tumbler and wait until we get a simple life form. How long will it take?
Epicurus: Ummm...I reckon...I don't know......a cajillion years? Maybe never?
Me: Well life had to get it's start from somewhere. How did it get here?
Epicurus: Man you just don't get it! You just gotta believe man!
Me: mean like most religions tell you?
Epicurus: Exactly! Wait! No! I mean......(rubbing forehead) head hurts! I'm gonna go now.