Do You Miss Not Being With Your JW Family & Friends?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anne Marie
    Anne Marie

    Only my loving JW mother stood by me when my whole world fell apart. For sixteen long years, my brothers would have nothing to do with me, and I never got to meet, or know, my niece and three nephews. My son re joined the Watchtower after he grew up, as his now wife had begun studying and she told him he had to join her if he wanted to be with her. Though neither of them was baptizied at the time, I was the only one not invited to their wedding.

    The JWs are known to profess that their religion "makes families stronger." Well, this is only true if each member is unitedly dedicated to serving the Watchtower Organization. But let one member become doubtful, or leave for any reason at all, the "family" of "love" is now "shattered." Ultimately, like many other "Watchtower fallacies," this belief proves to be nothing more than a fantasy. And "waking up" to "reality" can be a very painful experience, indeed.

  • minimus

    It proves they are a CULT.

  • WTWizard

    No, I don't miss being told what to do for every possible situation. I don't miss being told to just meet other men. I don't miss being told that it's OK for me to be stuck with other men only when it's not. I don't miss being hounded to do ever more in the ministry. I don't miss the idiots that are left in the cult. For sure, I would feel worse if I got banned from this board than I would if I got disfellowshipped from Jehovah's Witlesses.

  • minimus

    Wiz, what are you talking about----being stuck with other men??

  • jaguarbass

    After 23 years, I dont miss any JW's.

  • Crumpet

    Jaguarbass - I bet they dont miss you either! LOL - just teasing!

    I have brief fleeting moments of weakness where I wish I could give my mother and grandmother huge hugs and talk to them about my days events.

    But, that never even happened when I was a witness.

    So I'm going with a big NO.

    Ahhhh Richie - Come to Momma!

  • jaguarbass

    I love you, too, Miss Crumpet.

  • WTWizard
    Wiz, what are you talking about----being stuck with other men??

    Yup, they pulled that crap on me all the time. Every time they had the opportunity to bust up my chances with a sister, even if it was just casual, they seized it. Being in service primarily with the same brother most of the time. Getting stuck with all the men calls when they answered the door. Being told to just meet men at the assemblies. Rules that were made in the Kingdumb Hell that stopped me from having sisters being comfortable around me. You name it, they tried it. And they wonder why I made it so hard on them by sneaking out and making extra work for them to hunt for service reports only to have them turn up late and unexpectedly (and later, not at all).

    I bet they are going to have a stroke when they see the Christmas tree go up this fall. And they aren't going to connect it. Treat me like s*** consistently, and I will do all I can to make extra trouble for your organization (especially one like the Watchtower).

  • misanthropic

    Not at all, their driving me insane and I am seriously considering moving far, far away just to never have to deal with any of it ever again.

  • berylblue

    Holy cr@p! MINI -- one of my favorites!!! How are you?

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