Male, never married, never a dub.
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by snowbird 64 Replies latest jw friends
Raised in the "truth", Divorced Male, MS for 3 years, I have been mostly inactive since the late 80's.
Inactive for 4 or 5 years, I forget. Married, with 1 child, both of who are inactive. I'm a former MS, who was on his way to "eldership", but got tired along the way. Too many meetings, too much field service, too much of being "an example" and not being able to be myself, while others, who were supposed to be examples, did what they wanted, while judging others about doing the same as they were.
The only meeting I have attended in the last year is the Memorial, even though my wife wants me to go back, because she has started going back to the Sunday meeting again.
Read my Bio.
Df'd in 1980, tagged Apostate in 1981. White male, married, father of 5, grandfather of 4.
Was raised in the Lie from age 5.
horrible life
white and American Indian female, Married ( for now ) out for 25+ years, found out the truth about the truth when I found this site.
I am inactive since 1983. Discombobulated and recombobulated. Activated street person wanderer. Observing activity in this dimension.
Originally, I started out as a polka doted Venusian, here on a temporary work visa.
To borrow a phrase, I was raised in the Lie from almost birth. White, divorced (remarried), df'd since summer 2005. Kept up meetings until early 2006. 6 children total - only 1 still somewhat associated with the truth.
Still an active JW - do about 6 hours real ministry per year - report about 8 hours per month, Placed 10 genuine magazines in the last year - report about 50 magazines placed. Attend most meetings, DCs, SADs, CAs etc. On the TMS ,comment regularly, WT reader
19 year old white male, heavily tattooed and pierced.
Out and clean since 4-14-06.
White male in interracial marriage, never a JW but was raised in (and disfellowshipped from at age 13) the Worldwide Church of God back in the 70s before Armstrong's death (since coming here I've learned they've got quite a few similarities), joined the site when my wife started studying with JWs and I became concerned about where it was leading and what it would mean to us. She has since stopped studying with them, in part due to help I received here, (Thank you jgnat, Check_Your_Premises, and many others) but I linger on this board because I feel a rapport with people here, there are so few 'normal' people who can relate to the sort of upbringing I had.