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by snowbird 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • troucul

    Left in '98, '99 or thereabouts. Was in CT. Never sent a letter, and to the best of my knowledge no announcement was made. Since then, just going where the wind takes me, for better or for worse.

  • mrchuffster

    This thread is great!!

    Valmorpharized about three years ago, now inactive, still go to the odd meeting for the sake of my wife (all her family are dubs).

    Happier, kinder, less judgemental, love people again - every crowd has a silver lining.

    MR c

  • free2think

    I'm a fader, single, trying to stay under the radar. I'd say my race but people might be lurking. But you can see me on myspace.

  • snowbird

    Save My Soul said:

    If I keep listening to gospel music, I may be annointed soon

    Well said, Bro

    All Christians are anointed. That was another thing that bothered me, bit I kept it submerged. How come most of the anointed were White? Was it the "ruling over" part?

    I submit that when Jesus returns, He's going to kick butts and take names for the lies that have been told in His name.


  • bubble

    White, female, Greek Cypriot, df'd in 2002, married to an ex-jw (in fact I left my jw husband of 16 years to be with him).

    I have 2 kids and my hubby has 3, all happily are out of the cult.

    Never been happier, never going back.

  • Hortensia

    faded in early 80s, was raised in the org., third generation (three generations of zombies, eh?, never DF'd or DA'd, wasn't important enough for them to even try to find out what happened to me. Soon to be divorced, temporarily depressed out of my mind, otherwise OK. White female, no kids.

  • nvrgnbk

    never going back

    was an elder

    was a pioneer

    was a Bethelite

    was a 4th generation JW

    I hate being lied to, betrayed, deceived

    I hate the thought of investing my whole life in an illusion

    thankful to God, Satan, The Universe, fate, my brain, dumbluck or whatever or whomever helped me to get out while still in my 30's

    love you all!


    did I mention that I'm never going back?

  • free2think

    ROTFL @ Nvr. I agree with you completely though.

  • nvrgnbk
    ROTFL @ Nvr. I agree with you completely though.

    Thanks sis!

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    White male, 2 kids, divorced, walked away three years back, DF 8 months later

    CS 101

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