by badboy 12 Replies latest jw friends
hey bad boy,
personally, i think there is a really easy way to make a JW think:
put the brakes on any conversation that involves the bible. they consider the bible home turf, so if you pull it out from under them, they are left to discuss the posible existence of God with you, which invariably ends up as an evolution vs creation conversation.
at this point you can talk about science and scientific method. and if you get them interested in science, and scientific method, then they will begin to compare the rigors of science with the way the WTS has treated scientific issues. this is a seed that i know, from experience, easily germinates.
Why waste my time, they can't think for themselves.
Golf -
Madame Quixote
No. Because people who don't want to think, won't.
Enjoy your journey of trying to get rocks to think. I am at the place where I believe when the students ready the teacher will appear. That's the way it worked for me. The witnoids may fill a need in ones spiritual evolution or deevolution. I liken the kingdom hall to a spiritual kindergarden.
How about this---If Satan is the god of this system of things, then maybe thats why your religion has gotten by scott free for way too long?
Why is everything in their org decided and run by a handful of people when there are thousands of anointed JWs that are supposed to be participating in those activities? If they had a word could the slow plodding way of the org towards the light have been much faster? Could the many errors and their consequences have been prevented much earlier? Are there more such errors that are going uncorrected because the GB are inept and refuse to take advice from the rest of the anointed?
Think for yourselves, question authority, don't be dumb puppets.
How about this---If Satan is the god of this system of things, then maybe thats why your religion has gotten by scott free for way too long?
You know, that's a pretty good point. If Satan is the god of this system of things:
- Then why is atheism and satanism frowned upon so much?
- Then why is the WTBTS tax exempt?
- Then why don't the world governments cooperate... after all, Satan wants humans to rule themselves successfully.
- Then why does he try so hard to keep spiritism from being scientifically accepted?
Who is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? Is it the remnant of 144,000 or a governing council?
When they begin to talk about the annointed remnant; tell them to read the May 1, 2007 QFR article. The article plainly states that annointed ones do not necessarily have any deeper insights or more holy spirit than members of the "other sheep" do. It also states that annointed ones do not demand any special attention, but instead serve faithfully under the Governing Body.
If this is truly a divine arrangement; why didn't the apostle Paul serve under the direct authority of the Governing Body when going on his preaching tours from Antioch? If the annointed do not have any special insights or demand any special attention; why did the apostle Paul have a vision to go to Jerusalem and set the body of elders (Jerusalem council) straight? Should he not have been obedient, and humbly accepted the decisions that came from the "governing body" in Jerusalem?
Ask them where in the Scriptures it teaches that the power and insight that is attributed to the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class (or John Class) is now exclusively attributed to a Governing Body? Ask them where in the Scriptures it teaches that there would be two classes (the governing and the governed) within the Faithful Slave Class.
Why has your organization just paid out one of the largest sexual abuse payments in american history ?