Why did/do Jewish folks not believe Jesus was their messiah?

by Kudra 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kudra

    Also, what would constitute the presence of the messiah today (or whenever he does come)?

    Could a Jewish guy just say that he is the messiah? How would he prove this? Do they have criteria that he'd have to fulfill?

    When do they expect the messiah to come?



  • Arthur

    I believe Mel Gibson already answered this quite colorfully.

  • willyloman

    Well, a bunch of them did believe it, which is how Christianity was launched. It was mostly Jews, you know, who made up those first congregations.

    As for Jews today, they could hardly accept Christ now because Jews are monotheistic and Christendom has turned Jesus into Yahweh's equal - if not superior. Jews view Christians as polytheists because they worship Yahweh (or "God") Jesus, the Holy Ghost, Mary, and to some extent the various apostles and whole slough of saints, depending on the denomination. No serious or even semi-serious Jew would be any part of that.

  • AlmostAtheist

    I had a thread on this once, Kudra, you might glean some info from it: The Jewish Messiah?


  • greendawn

    Back in the first century Jesus appeared in a form that the was a rock of scandal to the Jews. Jesus was not from a humble background the son of a carpenter, from Galilee a backward area and was born in a manger. They were expecting someone wealthy, highly educated, born into a prestigious and glorious family. Jesus was not that and they couldn't accept him.

  • abbagail

    Q: Why did/do Jewish folks not believe Jesus was their messiah?

    A: Because they are brainwashed from the day they are born NOT TO believe in Jesus. (I've worked for Jewish bosses, so believe me, it is "built in" them from Day One by their Jewish mothers, and on down the line). Also, consider that God himself ALLOWED a temporary "blinding of Israel" after their rejection of Jesus AS A NATION -- see Romans chapter 11. (But individual Jews can always come to Christ, just like any Gentile can, and MANY DO. There is a huge group of Messianic Jews these days).


    Q: What would constitute the presence of the messiah today (or whenever he does come)?

    A: In THEIR eyes, or Biblically? (For "in their eyes," see below).


    Q: Could a Jewish guy just say that he is the messiah?

    A: Sure, but he may not get very far just by "saying" it.


    Q: How would he prove this?

    A: They have been accumulating DNA databases in order to "help" in "proving" it. I heard the other day they can go back 14 generations. But the MAIN WAY it will be "proved" (to the satisfaction of the Jews) will be by false evidence (read: He will be a false messiah but THEY will think he is the "real, first-time-here" messiah, and it is for this reason -- and the unbelief of the majority through the centuries -- that they are susceptible to being fooled by the comiing anti-christ who they will think is their messiah).


    A: Do they have criteria that he'd have to fulfill?

    A: The "criteria" he'd have to fulfill are the several hundred prophecies re: messiah in the Hebrew/OT scriptures. These are the same ones the orthodox Jews will be expecting him to fulfill (since they do not believe in the Real messiah who already came and fulfilled them). And he WILL be able to "fulfill them" (at least to the satisfaction of the orthodox Jews, which are the only ones that count), but it will be by the "lying signs and wonders" as Paul described in 2nd Thess. 2:

    "9 The coming of the [lawless one] is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

    He is the one and the same anti-christ who will "sit down" in the rebuilt Temple in Israel and who will then declare that he is their "god" as Paul describes in the above same chapter of 2nd Thess:

    "3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for [that Day will not come] unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."

    See also Rev. 6, the rider on the white horse, with bow but no arrows, is the anti-christ.
    The "beast" of Rev. 13 is the anti-christ, etc.


    Q: When do they expect the messiah to come?

    A: They are preparing for him as we speak, and have been preparing. Do some googles, there have been lots of news articles about these things. Also they have websites for all this stuff...

    They already have literal blueprint plans to rebuild the third Temple.
    They are already ordering sheep in order to sacrifice them in the Temple.
    Red Heiffers are being raised for the same purpose.
    They are already making and preparing all of the Temple utensils, clothing, etc. including the blue robe that Aaron wore, etc. See the Temple Institute website.
    They already re-established an operating 71-member Sanhedrin over two years ago, the first time they've had one of those in 1600 years, etc.



  • Kudra

    ...what is HTH Abagail?

    -You seem a little concerned about those guys...

  • abbagail

    heehee, HTH means Hope This Helps! ie, Hope This [information] Helps [to answer your questions].

    As for being concerned about the Jews? Sure, I don't want to see them deceived.

    At the same time, I am extremely excited and fascinated to be a front-row-seat eye-witness to prophecies being fulfilled, for when the false-messiah comes on the world stage, that means our true messiah, Jesus Christ, will be back shortly thereafter.

    First the bad.
    Then the good!


  • Sasha

    All my Jewish friends believe in Jesus. That he was just a man. They are still waiting for the Messiah!

  • moshe

    I am a Humanist Jew. I don't believe any Messiah is going to rise up to bring peace to mankind and restore the Temple at Jerusalem. Jews with more Orthodox beliefs are still waiting for a Messiah, but unlike JW's, they are working to make the world a better place in the interim.

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