Why did/do Jewish folks not believe Jesus was their messiah?

by Kudra 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sasha

    I agree with greendawn.

  • funkyderek

    The very question betrays a bias. (Abbagail's shocking answer shows the degree to which such a bias can extend.)

    There have been many "messiahs" in Jewish history, who have attracted varying numbers of followers. Similarly, there have been many "second comings" in Christian history, with similar results. Few of these sects have thrived for very long.

    Christianity was merely a peculiar offshoot of Judaism that was popularised by the Romans and modified beyond all recognition. It should not really be surprising that most Jews have no interest in being part of a such derivative sect, no matter how popular it has become.

  • Narkissos

    There was simply no commonly accepted doctrine of one future "messiah" in Judaism at the time ascribed to Jesus. A lot of contradictory beliefs, ranging from several "messiahs" (priestly and kingly, for instance, as attested in some Qumran texts) to no messiah at all (in some parts of the Hellenistic diaspora, where the Jews tended to interpret their texts in timeless and universal philosophical categories rather than end-time scenarii, e.g. Philo). A fairly normative rabbinical-Jewish messianism, on essentially Pharisaic bases, only gradually emerged after 70 AD, i.e. along and against early Christian "christologies". In sum, the question is anachronistic imo.

  • trevor

    A lot is lost in translation with Jewish folks. They struggle to understand the difference between accepting a prophet and a profit.

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