Letter to Society re: Child Abuse Settlements

by diamondblue1974 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • diamondblue1974

    I have sent this letter to the society to invite their comments; I hope to receive a reply.


    Dear Sirs


    I am writing regarding the above issue regarding child abuse claims made against the society and the much publicised settlements made recently.

    Some background to the matter as it stands is that I used to attend regularly at a local Christian congregation and was married to a ‘sister’ whose Grandfather (and also Elder) subjected her fleshly sister and herself to years of systematic sexual abuse. The effects took their toll on their mental health and certainly led to a tumultuous marriage for us both affecting us spiritually.

    They were not the only victims, however he did spend a short period of time in prison for his appalling crimes against my ex wife and her sister. Six months after he was released from prison he was reinstated and further became in good standing before the congregation holding meetings at his home - some of who attended those meetings were children. The congregation were not warned and the matter for years was swept under the carpet without any preventative or protective action being taken. This is despite elders contending that they have a strong policy against child abuse.

    I was always told by the body of elders that this matter was exceptional but given recent events and information received from lawyers, support groups and the media, this has been misrepresented entirely. I would therefore invite your comments as to why your elders made such misrepresentations when sexual abuse within congregations was and still is a considerable issue both in the UK and USA.

    If this misrepresentation was as a result of the body of elders not being aware of such matters I invite your comments as to why they were not made aware as surely this would assist in protecting congregations from the risk of abuse.

    As someone who made regular donations and someone whose family are still attending meetings and make regular donations can you confirm whether or not contributions received at congregation level have been used to make settlements and if not where the funds for such settlements have originated from.

    Can you also confirm whether or not at the date of this letter and at the date of the response to this letter there are or have been any other claims made against the organisation in relation to similar issues of sexual abuse?

    Be assured that I am not trying to make trouble nor am I aware of any legal action being threatened or case being asserted by my ex wife, her sister or other family but I am concerned that I was led to believe throughout my childhood that the organisation was a safe haven from spiritual depravity and yet whilst there have been numerous instances in your publications where you have criticised the Catholic Church for instances of child abuse, you appear to be having the same problems.

    I was also dismayed to hear that the cases settled were conditional upon a gagging order (or confidentiality agreement) whereby the victims are prevented from speaking of their abuse; I would invite your comments as to why you believe this stance to be appropriate when I was always led to believe that the society was transparent and that Jehovah hides nothing. If this was the result of legal advice I would invite your comments as to why morally you chose to use this strategy when the Catholic Church openly admitted their wrongs and made an unreserved apology to their victims.

    I am deeply troubled spiritually from this news and would welcome your reassurance in writing.

    I thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.

    Yours sincerely


  • jeanV

    great letter. I hope they reply. The probably will (unless they decide just to send a couple of elders to visit you), without addressing any of the questions you have asked and just encouraging you to attend meetings and go out in the ministry etc.... Let us know.

  • dedpoet

    Great letter DB, and it would be nice to think they were moved by it.

    I suspect, though, that the response is likely to be a couple of elders
    on your doorstep, inviting you to meet them and another colleague at
    the local kingdom hall.

  • Crumpet

    Excellent letter. Its really weird because I just slept rather late (jetlag still) and dreamt that I was telling a young man about this issue and the odd thing is I havent actually read any of the threads on the subject.

  • Gill

    It would be interesting to know if they ever reply to your letter, DB1974!

    I suspect if they do, it will be a condemnation of child abuse, and great praise of their own actions in preventing it and nothing more.

    The WTBTS is constantly printing articles on David, and how, despite all of his 'mistakes' or what most of us would call CRIMEs, God continued to use this very bad man. The reason I believe that they do that is to show that the R and F brothers and sisters should be ignoring the short comings and even the criminal short comings of their brothers and sisters, including child abuse.

    The WTBTS will never change. It will continue to be a haven for child abusers and the WT will learn to shift the blame on individual elders in the congregations rather than have to make payouts to victims themselves!

    Let us know if you get a reply, DB!!

  • DJK

    I agree with Gil. The WTBTS is a printing company and they will probably print a tract that say's nothing more than we have already heard. Add to it the same old lame expression,"God will punish them at Armegeddon."

  • Blueblades

    Concise and to the point. Whether the GB. actually gets to read it is another thing. I believe that the legal department will be the ones to handle your letter as directed by the GB. They are already prepared to use a form letter to address all the letters that will be coming in to the Headquarters. J.R.Brown media, will also be used as in the past to answer any of these kinds of inquiries about the child abuse settlements.

    Lastly, expect a visit or call from the local body of elders and a possible talk from the next C.O. visit.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    A question?

    Does the gag order apply to the defendants, plaintiffs, and lawyers, ABOUT the case; or does it just apply to the settlement agreement between the Plaintiffs and the WTB&TS?


  • bigmouth

    Well written DB. Gill's probably right. The David analogy will get trotted out. A generic letter saying nothing will be sent and the elders will get a new shepherding call.

    (BTW, did anyone notice that crumpet managed to slip it in to this thread that she was dreaming about young men again?) ;)

  • bigmouth

    Just another thing, I too was always confused over the Jekyll and Hyde nature of God.

    I could never work out why David could go around seducing and murdering and remain approved by God and yet some well meaning guy stops the ark of the covenant from being dropped and he gets put to death!

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