The following is a true account of a sorrowful letter to the body of elders on the judicial commitee of ( congregation must remain nameless to protect the individual who wrote the letter )So, I am calling it ,The Judicial Commitee of the unforgiven elders. Dear Brothers, This letter is to inform you of my decision to appeal your decision to disfellowship me.My reasons for requesting this appeal are the following: As you are aware,Bro.? and Bro.?,in our phone conversation with the two of you,I had express my heartfelt sorrow for what I had done,both to Jehovah God and then to you two Bro's.before a hearing was even scheduled.And I informed you that I could not meet with you at this time.Not that I refused to meet with you ,only that I was unable to meet with you face to face and I would call you when I could meet with you. And then a third brother left me a message that you would meet and go ahead with the judicial hearing without me being present.When I already let it be known that I could not meet with you at this time.I never said that I refuse to meet with you.Only that I was unable to meet with you now. A couple of reasons for my not being able to meet with you brothers was that I was and am still very ashamed to face you brothers and could not speak to you brothers at this time.However,I did say that I would meet with you later and I would call you back.Also,I was out of state that weekend when you decided to go ahead with the judicial commitee without me. When my parents told me about your decision to disfellowship me,I asked them on what was your decision based.They told me they did not know,as you said it was confidential and I did not meet with you. Bro.? and Bro.? Didn't I express my heartfelt sorrow and regret for what I had done,to Jehovah and you brother's in our phone conversations?And how I went to my parents and expressed my sorrow to them,for hurting them also?And didn't my father tell you this in his phone conversation with you?And didn't I also inform you of my desire to seek help from you brothers,that I might have been weak in? Having expressed my sorrow and regret,and desire for help,I would like to know what evidence and testimony you considered to conclusively decide that I am an unrepentant practicer of sin.Brother's,do you really and truly believe that I am a wicked person deserving of this judgement?Therefore I am requesting an appeal hearing. Sincerely, In case you bethel elders are lurking on this forum,be aware,that the individual who wrote this heartfelt letter is unaware that I posted it for all the world to read.More will follow in this matter. Blueblades, |