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by Open mind 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
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You apostate bastards just don't get it do ya. If Jehovah waits for more people to be born, then they die unfaithful.......that will mean 80,000 more resurrected to teach the truth to if Armageddon doesn't come before they all croak. See there, armageedon has it's benifits in waiting for a few more million to be born and be resurrected.
Now watch sKally come along and say somethin real smartassy like. Go ahead sKally....were waitin for ya.
its true what you are posting, but thats just jehovah god who has the right to slaughter anyone if he likes it.
remember the flood! a family vs. the whole world population. do you think any single person + kiddies and babies knew exactly what they were doing? for most them noah was just a weired guy (like jw are now). but that didnt stop jehovah from killing.
what about jericho? were the israelites preaching all the ppl to convert them? no. sound the horn, walls falling... MO-MO-MO-MO-MONNNSTERKILL-ILL-ILL...
or if you like the kids lovely bible stories book:
mystory46TheWallsofJericho***Then Joshua says: ‘Kill everyone in the city and burn it. Burn everything. Save only the silver, gold, copper and iron, and give them to the treasury of Jehovah’s tent.’
like it or hate it: its the god of the bible. its very loving from him to send the JWs out to warn us with very weired human teachings before he lets the fire rain... in comparison to his acting in the hebrew scriptures. only jesus was not this way. what is very alien to me. since he was LIKE god.
its true what you are posting, but thats just jehovah god who has the right to slaughter anyone if he likes it.
Your post really makes me wanna just cuddle right up in good ol' Jehober's lap for a nice Armageddon bed-time story.
Open Mind
So, if put another way; If the Big A arrives in, say, 2014, as some have speculated, there will be well over 1/2 Billion children laid out as bird-feed under the age of 7. The sin? Mommy and Daddy did not read a 2-bit magazine, rush immediately to the latest KH, and get dunked into the 'Truth' in time.
I wish I had dared to think about these things years ago - I would have been 'out' decades back.
Just to be fair to our loving "Mother" I think I should point out that the slaughter of all these tiny tots isn't quite the certainty that it was when I was a kid looking at the picture in the Paradise Book of a kid, dog and bicycle being destroyed by WT God. Although many dubs, if pressed, still think it is.
I don't have the article handy, but they have done just a teensy-weensy little bit of slip-n-slide on this teaching. They said something along the lines of : 'just how much the idea of community responsibility will be exercised by Jehovah is not for us to say'. This gives a loyal-dub apologist the wiggle room to say, "See, Jehovah might not kill the toddlers and babies or the muslims in Iran after all." Of course those billions of adults who made the eternally-fatal mistake of lumping dorky dubs into the same boat as telemarketers and junk mail are still bird food.
Open Mind
*** w65 3/15 pp. 175-176 pars. 8-10 Our Own Twentieth-Century Generation and the Resurrection ***
The "goats" would also include those husbands and wives who have believing marriage partners but who, in spite of the good example of their believing marriage mates, are found to be still unbelievers in the day and at the hour of the execution of God’s judgment against this enemy world; also, the children of a believing parent or the children of believing parents (fathers and mothers), which children were once "holy" as minors, as unresponsible children, but who have grown up to responsible years and have refused to become dedicated, baptized believers by the time that divine execution upon the "goats" begins.—1 Cor. 7:12-16.
In other words, at the time of the execution of divine judgment the "goats" would be all those persons, young and old, who have not become "sheep" and who have not been gathered into the "one fold" under the "one shepherd," where the small remnant of the Shepherd’s spiritual brothers are.—John 10:16; Rev. 7:9-17.
The undedicated children of goatish people will not be spared from execution and being sentenced to Gehenna just because they are themselves minor, unresponsible children. This hard fact is illustrated in the orders that Jehovah God issued to his executioners when apostate Jerusalem was to be destroyed. To his executioners he said: "Pass through the city after him [the man who marked the ones to be spared] and strike. Let not your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion. Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off." And that is what they did, as illustrated in Jerusalem’s destruction, 607 B.C.E.-Ezek. 9:5-7.Hey Blondie,
Thanks for the reference. I wish that was the most current "light". I really do. It would make this whole twisted "loving-God bringing Armageddon" doctrine a lot easier to slam dunk. But, in typical, slimy, Borg fashion, they've back-pedaled ever-so-slightly on this one and not broadcast it. As a practical matter, the take-away message we still get at the K Hall is, "Get on the Borg ship or our loving God will kill you". As a practical matter, they really can't have it both ways but they're trying to nonetheless.
I don't have any reference materials at work so I can't back up my point right now, but I'll try to find it tonight if I can.
Open Mind
If not baptized as a JW (the mark at Ezekiel 9), people will be destroyed.
*** w96 1/15 p. 17 par. 9 Jehovah’s Sheep Need Tender Care ***
As an unbaptized publisher progresses spiritually, he may make a dedication to God in prayer and want to be baptized. (Compare Mark 1:9-11.) He should make his desire for baptism known to the congregation’s presiding overseer, who will arrange for elders to review with the publisher the questions on pages 175 to 218 of OrganizedtoAccomplishOurMinistry. The four parts into which the questions are divided may be covered in three sessions by three different elders if possible. If they agree that the unbaptized publisher has a reasonable understanding of Bible teachings and qualifies in other ways, they will tell him that he may be baptized. As a result of his dedication and baptism, he becomes ‘marked’ for salvation.—Ezekiel 9:4-6.
*** w82 2/15 p. 31 par. 18 "What Prevents Me from Getting Baptized?" ***
Only those ‘marked’ for salvation will survive into his new order. (Revelation 7:3, 4, 9, 14; Ezekiel 9:2-6) How happy will be those who have submitted to this ‘marking’ for survival because of being accepted into a dedicated relationship with Jehovah God, as symbolized by water baptism, and continuing in integrity on the narrow road that leads to life!—Matthew 7:13, 14.
That has been a big issue with me all along. If God "loves" mankind so much he doesn't want anyone to die, why didn't he bring the end in, 500AD, 1000AD, 1500, 1844,1874, 1879, 1914, (the ever poplular) 1975 etc etc etc????
What is the Godly purpose in the births and deaths through all the centuries? It doesn't prove the "man cannot rule themselves" fool answer we used to give. No one wants to answer me when I ask them.
Good to see the numbers you referenced...more power to my argument. Thanks.