Isn't God Awesome?
by Perry 450 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I stand in awe.
I wonder.
I wonder about ingrown crotch hairs that itch and make unsightly pimples.
I wonder about loogies and why men like to hock them up and spit them in front of you.
I wonder about nostril hair that grows like an elephant tusk when you are over 40.
I wonder why chubby women wear tight pants that cause their muffin-top fatrolls to spill over like squeezed water balloons.
I wonder about little kids with large and wondrous eyes with foul-mouthed parents who scream at them and jerk their little arms like pitbull leashes.
I wonder about the dead sparrow I saw on the sidewalk which had been infested by thousands of itchy lice that were abandoning the inert host.
I wonder about the billions of prayers sent heavenward pleading for mercy and the rivers of blood that silence them.
I do wonder about God.
I really do.
Viewing That video was like trying to eat a stack of maple syrup soaked pancakes with banna syrup, strawberry syrup, blueberry syrup and whipped cream with sugar on it. very pretty to look at...but totally not healthy or digestable....
i think it was the music....that made me feel like barfing...
Isn't God Awesome?
Yes, She most certainly is!
Seriously, no matter what face or name or theory you put on the progeneration of all the beauty we see around us, it is awesome! Simply wonderful.
Like driving westbound off the high plains on I-70 from Kansas into Colorado and looking up and beholding the rockies looming on the horizon. It brings tears to my eyes everytime.
Love and Light,
Perry thank you it is so wonderful ...Only the fool can say there is not creator.
Terry! I suggest you put on a differant wondering cap. You wont have to suffer so... wondering about fat women.Of which I am one.
Great site Perry. As an outdoors person, no, I don't wonder. In my culture, we call it mother earth. As a professional golfer, I get see many manicured golf courses, it's a sight to behold. Most golfers play just to play the game and miss out on the scenery, how sad. It's sad how some people just can't see the positives in life.
Golf -
Which one......certainly not that homicidal, narcicistic maniac whose carnage is spread across the old testament.
>>>>squawk!<<<<<< god is great! god is great!>>>>>>>>squawk!>>>>>>>>>Perry want a cracker? ..........LOL.........