Getting Even With The Watchtower Society—Is It Necessary?

by The wanderer 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadTiger
  • Gregor

    Your thread title is not consistent with your opening post.

    To address your thread title: Is it necessary to get even with WTS? - In some cases, yes, absolutely. And there is no one who can say them nay. That's their business and those who wish to judge their motives are out of line.

    To address your post: Is it revenge, closure or to warn others? - What difference does it make? It warns others whether motivated by 'revenge' (the pejorative term for 'Justice', by the way), or "closure" ( a word that has become shorthand for something that allows someone to get on with their life as best they can after a negative event). It is still ones private business and outside the judgement of other, imperfect people who have not walked in the others shoes.

  • Pistoff

    XJW4EVER said:

    "I am not of the opinion that people want to "get even" the the WT$, rather I think they want to warn people of the deception that lies behind the suits, dresses, and magazines of the WT$.

    I agree; my goal was to try to help 1. my family, 2. my friends.

    I have found it may be impossible, without a life changing experience on their part.

    I went through a tough time when my son was df'd (found out they were lying about a critical part of the process).

    When the sex abuse scandal came along, I researched it and was just blown right out of the water.

    I think I was ready to hear it; years earlier I may have denied it.

    I just am very thankful everyone was here to listen when I got here.

  • jaguarbass

    Hello Richard. I think the reason may be as veried as the individualls.Some of those that I have encountered, seem to me, to think they are working for God. I hope God has given them better instructions at this point in their life than he gave them previously.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Gregor:

    "Your thread title is not consistent with your opening post."-Gregor

    Good catch, I should have expanded on my opening buffer to make
    it more consistent with the opening heading.


    The Wanderer

  • jgnat

    "Is It Necessary?" phrasing is WT-ese. It's passive voice, and written like hundreds of Watchtower headings I've seen. Such phrasing can be a trigger for some people.

    Getting past the phrasing, I'd like to address your question. There's a time and a place to take on an injustice. A very few people even take on the big injustices, like a large corporation's callous disregard for the care of it's people. To do so always comes at great personal cost. Why do it? Because everyone benefits when the big guys are called to account. Some people were born to be heroes (or to take on lost causes).

    Then there's the personal exit and recovery. People need to go through stages of denial, anger and acceptance. Yes, there's a huge temptation to strike back. Some of the strikes are well-deserved. I'm sure with others, there is regret.

    I'm interested in what you think of my involvement, The Wanderer, since my personal offence with the Watchtower Society is peripheral at best. I'm a non-JW married to a Witness. I'll never join them, neither will my children or anyone close to me other than my husband. So I'll never be an ex-Witness either. Where do you think my motive comes from?

  • jwfacts

    To warn others, and help prevent others going through the years of turmoil I had. I originally started writing things down because it was the only way I could make sense of the confusion I had been in for many years. After a while I was so stunned by what I was learning that I wanted to share it with as many people I could, and the Internet is the most effective and cheapest way to do that. Finally I have done it for my family. Discussions always ended in illogical fights. If it is written down maybe some of them will one day read the information and things might just click.

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Revenge is the sweetest thing next to getting p***y.

    Tupac and DK

  • Junction-Guy

    Dark Knight, I probably shouldnt be saying this, but that last reply was the funniest thing I've heard on here in awhile.

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Hey Junction Guy,

    Come on man, there are heaps funnier things being said on this forum all the time!

    On a serious note, I don't think there's anything wrong with getting even with the watchtower as long as it doesn't rob you of your joy in life.

    But as many people say the best revenge is living a great and happy life knowing all those JW's that shun you are stumped and puzzled by how much more fulfilling your life is than theirs.


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