Hi again dontomas,
It looks like you are beginning to see through it all before it's too late!
One thing you might ask your study conductor, and you can research it
in advance from the Quotes site, is about 1975. When I joined the org in
the early 90's, all I knew about jws was their no-blood policy, that they
knocked on doors, and I remembered their campaign during the late 60's
and early 70's regarding the world ending in 1975. I asked about that, and
was told that they in fact hadn't prophesied that armageddon was coming
in 1975, but that a few jws had run ahead of the society and said that it was
coming. Reading through Quotes and other sites I've looked at, it's clear that
they preached the 1975 idea relentlessly during the 8 or 9 years leading up
to it.
Throughout their existence, they have made similar prophecies, such as
"millions now living will never die", which was written in 1920, with the idea
that armageddon was coming in 1925, which it obviously didn't. The average
jw isn't aware of the watchtower's true history, which is presumably why your
study conductor told you that the things you asked about don't matter. As for
the generation change, which occurred during my time in the org. I've heard
jws declare that they have always taught the current thought, meaningless
as it is, when I know from experience they clearly have not. The watchtower
seems to somehow be able to induce a kind of collective amnesia among it's
followers, which enables them to discard things they've taught for years, or
even decades, which is the case with the gathering of the anointed - they
taught that that was completed apart from replacements in 1935 until the
May qfr. Now it is still taking place - a convenient excuse for the fact that
the number of partakers at the memorial never falls by much, and often
If you carry on with your study, I have a feeling that the conductor is in
for a very interesting session or two. Keep us posted on how it goes.