A good question - my answer as a close observer would be that even some of the hard-core are going to get bored and sick of it after a while, especially because there has been no Armageddon and they are told that it is basically their fault.
New Light Coming?
by dontomas 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
1914 and blood policy. but it will take a while.
I agree. It will be a long while...
I challenge anyone here to tell me exactly why the Society "needs" to change anything
I doubt there will be any takers metatron. I suppose time runs out on
some things, and they have to keep the flock at least slightly interested.Why not just repeat the same nonsense over and over indefinitely? What difference do facts make?
They sort of do. Any change seems to make it even more nonsensical
As long as Witlesses go along with idiocy, why come up with any "new truth"?
When I was a jw a lot of my colleagues seemed to thrive on "new light", though
some were slightly perturbed by it. Some seem to like to see themselves as
being in a "progressive" organisation, so when the gb added new idiocy to the
idiocy they already believe, they would welcome it with genuine excitement. I
guess it adds to the feeling that they are "special", their organisation is the only
one that jehovah is communicating with at this time. -
WTwizard, I think that ALL of what you're saying won't happen, but IT COULD! And that's whats scariest, at some point there's going to be a showdown. My wife already kind of knows that I'm not down with the Kool-Aid since I won't budge on certain things. It could get ugly.
Amen, come lord Satan!
- SG -
Furthermore - WT like a lot of religions makes great claims about being God's channel to reveal his will to earth. So how come no new revelations, even little ones? Just the same/same every minute of every day. There has got to be something more and I think people will know that.
Thanks for responding.
If the Society pulls in another 1 -3% a year in publishers, why does it need to change anything?
If they lose a few old timers, so what? You replace them with new suckers and move along.
The only counter-argument I can see is that they might feel some internal urge to change, by
various members of the Governing Body - but this is unlikely, given that they can't get a 2/3 vote
on anything, and that some of them probably see the whole thing as a scam anyway.
This last point is not far-fetched when you consider some of the private comments that these
crooks have made over the years ( see Crisis of Conscience - things like Jackson's flippant
remark about chronology -now deceased)
I remember when they started using color in the publications. My family made a big deal about it, like it was some sign of God's blessing that Nathan Knorr discoverd red, blue and green.
The dubs like change. They love to hear "new truths". Only the dubs will prefer to discard a long held belief with its "sameness" for a new belief and its "newness."
Does anything change because of it? No. But it helps the WTS control what the dubs talk about it. They get to drive the agenda. They get to keep being "indispensable" to the lives of
their millions.
johnny cip
Metatron makes some good points. the wt really need to change nothing, as for the regular rank and file. they will beleive anything, i think the changes are to appease the higher ups or middle management in the wt , to keep these half way smart followers towing the line.
I appreciate your point about 'higher-ups' who can't swallow Watchtower nonsense but how can the
mechanics of such a thing possibly work? How does a 'higher-up' admit that 1914 or blood or whatever
is garbage without getting in trouble? And if you have two or more who admit to such doubts, how
do they avoid being called apostates and df'd?
I would think the outcome of the above would be twofold: the organization fills up with rank cynics
( who will profess to believe whatever junk the Watchtower insists on) or ignorant fools ( who really
will believe whatever junk they insist on) . Either way, how does anything change?
They can see a trend.
At one point they enjoyed alot of progress. Some countries were literally exploding with growth. Then when the internet came out, it's slowed to a trickle.
People have doubts but are "just waiting on jah".
They make it really hard to leave. They are the only ones with "sayings of truth". Jehovah blesses their work with growth.
What happens when growth stops? When people start leaving faster than they join?
The lemming mentality takes over. Nobody wants to be the last one on a sinking ship so more leave. They are in the middle of a crisis. For years they have been able to cover up their past with time, but now time has caught up to them in the form of the internet.
Unfortunately I think the Governing Body really feels they are God's Organization so whatever they decide Jehovah will bless. I think there's more pressure from the younger bethelites urging them to reform some archaic policies before their foundation crumbles.