If women were on the Governing Body......

by mtsgrad 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    1) No more conventions or assemblies..just a few assembly days sprinkled throughout the year.

    2) Afterwards, you can wear jeans, shorts, and T-shirts.


  • ninja

    3 weeks of the month...the meetings would be great...but the other week...it would be a living hell

  • greendawn

    The GB would have been softer more understanding of human frailties and less legalistic and perfectionist.

  • stillajwexelder

    There would be more emphasis on love and care in the congregation and shepherding and less emphasis on judicial and ministry

  • RichieRich

    Leo Greenlees would be "a really good friend"

    Bethel wouldn't be such a sausage fest

    Jesus would have highlights

  • reneeisorym

    Kids would wear casual clothes "so they can pay more attention to the meeting and less on how uncomfortable they are" (and because the womean are tired of dressing them and ironing)

    Exceptions would be made for shunning your kids. (or just get rid of shunning completely)

    Women could wear pants at least in the winter out in service if not all of the time.

  • theinfamousone

    damn you ninja, you beat me to it....

    there would be far more accidents while on service since women can't drive (oh god im gonna get a backlash here, it was a joke ladies)

    instead of 45 minute public talks, they would be six hours

    sports would be banned

    there would be a j-dub soap opera

    the infamous one

  • ninja

    the governing body would all go to the toilet together....and on nights out at a club they will all dance around their ministry bags

  • Kaethra

    more men would be subjected to the humiliation of having to describe their secret sexual sins in all their gory details.

  • truthsearcher

    Well seriously though, if it was just one or two women, don't you think that they would feel they had to "earn" their spot on the GB and might just end up being a lot harsher than the men? I have seen that kind of reaction before--women going overboard to prove themselves.

    What do you think about that?

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