(It would be interesting to see if there are any post-1995 quotes where they repeat the claim that Jesus judged his people in 1919):
WT April 1, 2007, pages 21-25
Par 3. They are His instruments." Whom has Christ used as his collective instrument since being invested with Kingdom power in 1914?
Par 4. The prophecy of Malachi foretold that Jehovah, "the true Lord," accompanied by his "messenger of the covenant," his newly enthroned Son, Christ Jesus, would come in judgment to inspect His "temple," or spiritual house of worship. "The appointed time" for the `judgment of the house of God' to begin evidently arrived in 1918.* (Footnote: * For a detailed discussion of this subject, see The Watchtower, March 1, 2004, pages 13-18, and December 1, 1992, page 13.)
Par 5. "On arriving" to inspect the "slave" in 1918, Christ found a spirit-anointed remnant of faithful disciples who since 1879 had been using this journal and other Bible-based publications to provide spiritual "food at the proper time." He acknowledged them as his collective instrument, or "slave," and in 1919 entrusted them with the management of all his earthly belongings.
Glaring contradiction between 1995 new light and Society's authority as FDS
by yaddayadda 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks Gary.
Heres a quote from the 1995 article. Notice the absolutely insane logic at the beginning of para 22. The entire article is refuting that Jesus 'sat down on his glorious throne' (verse 31) in 1914 yet in the next breath they say that because he is called 'king' in verse 34 the 'parable logically finds application since Jesus became King in 1914' So what they are saying is that verse 31 (throne) applies to the future yet verse 34 (King) applies to 1914! How utterly foolish can you get. This kind of deliberately false reasoning borders on purposeful lying.
The Watchtower Society shows its true colours here. They show they are quite prepared to twist Jesus words to the most absurd limits rather than admit that the root cause of the problem is that Jesus never became King in 1914. In their foolish attempts to subordinate everything to their 1914 teaching they have made a mockery of Christs words and fools of JW's.
*** w95 10/15 22 How Will You Stand Before the Judgment Seat? ***
21 How, though, will people in those nations fare when the Son of man arrives in his glory? Let us find out from the parable of the sheep and the goats, which begins with the words: “When the Son of man arrives in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered before him.”—Matthew 25:31, 32.
22 Does this parable apply when Jesus sat down in kingly power in 1914, as we have long understood? Well, Matthew 25:34 does speak of him as King, so the parable logically finds application since Jesus became King in 1914. But what judging did he do soon thereafter? It was not a judging of “all the nations.” Rather, he turned his attention to those claiming to make up “the house of God.” (1 Peter 4:17) In line with Malachi 3:1-3, Jesus, as Jehovah’s messenger, judicially inspected the anointed Christians remaining on earth. It was also time for judicial sentence on Christendom, who falsely claimed to be “the house of God.” (Revelation 17:1, 2; 18:4-8) Yet nothing indicates that at that time, or for that matter since, Jesus sat to judge people of all the nations finally as sheep or goats. -
1. Christian Puritan perfectionism is seen to fail to create heaven on earth in the mid 1800's.
2.The Great Awakening in America is followed by Advent speculations that the end would be immiment.
3.William Miller inspires a movement of Adventists who break with their own local churches in anticipation of Jesus' arrival.
4.The work of the Adventists seems to be warning as many people as possible before 1843. The splits in local churches causes lasting enmity. A contrarian sense of "We'll show them we're right" is hardened into the character of the apostates.
5.The Great Disappointment leaves perhaps 100,000 2nd Adventists stranded theologically between a no-show on Jesus' part and a "We told you so!" on the part of mainstream Christianity.
6.Various theories and imaginative explanations pop up to support yet more anticipation of Jesus coming in 1844.
7.Another "no-show"!
8.2nd Adventists scramble to save their reputations, belief and integrity by inventing more reasons to stay away from mainstream churches while waiting for the "tarrying time" to end and Jesus to arrive.
9.Diversionary beliefs of a contrarian nature send the argument off in other directions (away from the actual coming of Christ.) The Sabbath, immortality of the soul, hellfire, etc. become the new reason for staying away from the "Babylonish churches".
10. C.T.Russell hears a 2nd Adventist message and buys up all the supporting materials he can lay his hand on and begins concocting yet another view!
11.Russell fashions an amalgam of speculations, interpretations, ad hoc charts and pyramidology as "proof" that Jesus really did arrive "invisibly" and that the real Armageddon is coming in 1914.
12.They cycle begins anew! Instead of rallying to warn people about 1843/44 the new date of special interest becomes 1914 as THE END.
13.When 1914 creates a repeat of the Great Disappointment history repeats itself yet again.
14.Russell starts revamping his explanations and rewording his old certainties. He dies.
15.Judge Rutherford wrests the publishing corporation away from Russell's appointees.
16.Rutherford continues the same game of depending on End Times speculations to hold the interest of the contrarians.
17. Various diversions have been invented ever since to first focus on End Times and then divert from End Times toward policies, dogma and martyr behaviors.
The more things change; the more they stay the same.
Actually the quote doesn't say Jesus appointed the Society as his channel. It says:
"He acknowledged them as his collective instrument, or "slave," and in 1919 entrusted them with the management of all his earthly belongings."
It says Jesus sort of hired the Watch Tower Corporation as his property managers. "He acknowledged" them as an instrument, and "entrusted them" with management. That actually might be different than appointing them as his channel of communication. What say you? -
When I was a freshmen in high school I discovered the secret to a true and succesful bullshit artist was neither that he BELIEVED his own bullshit or could keep his bullshit straight, but that he could say it unabashedly, unapologetically, and makes others feel guilty for even questioning him.
The WTS is truely the world's greatest bullshit artist. I would call it chutzpah if it were not so tragic and evil. These people are evil, man. If you're a lurker--- RUN!!!!
So where did Jesus have his attention directed BEFORE 1914
I guess that he and papa Joe were playing pac-man.
Handsome Dan
FDS thing was something they used to support their power structure, which is very important in an organization like this
Ya like they really stuck to bible principals, ........ problem was they started to make up their own and demonize anyone who didn't agree with them
" . . . in 1919 entrusted them with the management of all his earthly belongings."
It looks to me like Jesus must have "entrusted" them to acquire as well as build "all his earthly belongings", and THEN manage it all.Building Wallkill
Sarah Smiles
It seems like they are trying to get away from old doctrines.
Every time I look at the 1914 doctrine,there is always another angle. I just roll my eyes and laugh!
It least you guys are having fun with it. LOL
Boy, the FDS really plays with the minds of the poor JW's. The novel "1984" by Orwell it really pictures them.
I'm sooooooooo glad that I have escape from them. The new light back in 1995 it was a turning point to me.
Unfortunetly like most of us who left WT I'm picking up my pieces in all aspects of life. Broken familly, my 2 young children will raised in the WT crap, It is never ending story.
All this pain for nothing. If only my dad knew what he was doing when he became a JW. He was carried away by a banch of False Prophets made in U.S.A spend all his life preaching their gospel, and died, without seeing the end of this system.