How do/did you imagine Armageddon will/would be?

by JH 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Marcel

    i never thought much about it. when i thought about it it looked like the paintings in jw magazines and quickly thinking about petting lions again... sometimes i doubted that i could stand such an cruel event.

  • Hellrider

    I used to imagine it as big rocks falling from the sky, like in the book of Joshua, and/or like a new flood, masses of water coming over the mountains, crushing the little town we lived in. I used to have nightmares about that.

  • themonster123

    Witnesses always used the line of reasoning to refute the doctrine of Hell that a Loving God would not allow that, but to me, Armageddon was always as evil as Hell...

  • jayhawk1

    As a child, I imagined the sky would become brown/red and it would become very windy, followed by a bad storm. Then one day while I attended Middle School, the wind picked up during a dry spell and the sky did become brown. It was pretty freaky when you have cult thinking in your head. I was so scared, wondering if I had done enough to please Jehovah.

  • CyrusThePersian

    I always imagined it would be like this:


  • aquagirl

    like the pic in the paradise book..storms and earthquakes w/ladies falling upside down..thunder too.lotsa thunder...maybe schwartzenegar in leather....

  • zack

    Me too. The pics in the "Paradise" book. Of course, it should have been called "The Give Your Child Nightmares Forever" book.

    Have I mentioned these people are evil? Not the ones dieing in the pics, but the ones drawing the pics? Evil, I tell you.

    Did anyone ever notice the similarity between what comes out of Bethel and what came out of the Third Reich propaganda?

  • Marcel

    oh, i had nightmares about armageddon too. but i cant quiet remember how armageddon LOOKED in my dreams. it was more about the feeling that the time has come and whether god will let me survive.

    still, even today, when weather becomes very heavy i feel in a weired way sometimes. like i need to go watch the sky to see if its really a ordinary storm or whatever.

    one time there was a heavy thunderstorm in my area. the small daugther of a friendly couple crawled into the bed of her parents asking in fear: "is THAT armageddon?!".

    i think this is scary shit what is done to minors. it haunts them their whole life.

  • DeViL DriVeR 76
    DeViL DriVeR 76

    As a child I always imagined a horific event with fire coming from the skies, earthquakes and the ground opening up. Pictured the streets litered with worthless money and people screaming and trying to hide. I always pictured devout witneses standing there as if they had not a single worry and always pictured myself on the verge of a heart attack waiting, wondering if I was going to die or not. For years after and even though I don't belive it anymore still at times whenever we have abnormal weather here in NY or I see alot of birds flocking in an area I always feel for a brief second that it's about to start.

    But as for now I imagine nothing because I know it's not going to happen.

  • nvrgnbk

    I thought it should've come and gone by mid-2007.

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