How do/did you imagine Armageddon will/would be?

by JH 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • theinfamousone

    i picture it starting with the simultaneous destruction of all KH in the world... then the bethels, then all memory of DUBS will be erased.... mmmmmm, then we will be in paradise!

    the infamous one

  • proplog2

    The Great Tribulation is the scary thing. The final convulsion that brings civilization to the edge of the abyss.

    Armageddon is the rescue. And I don't believe just JW's will be spared. I think the Great tribulation will kill about 1/3 of the people (2 billion) all of whom will eventually be resurrected. Armageddon cuts short the Great Tribulation which would kill everyone if it were allowed to continue.

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