(The opposing forces, time and again, cautiously approached the objective's position. Trees, grass, and bushes swayed in the wind. Everything is green. So green. Small arms fire barked in the late afternoon sun while insects whired overhead and birds called to their mates.... )
Run to gain cover. Breath comes hard with heart pounding...adrenaline pumped muscles primed for fight or flight...must...still...the...body. I can't hear the enemy approach like this. Blood rushes through my ears. Pounding! Pounding! Where are they? WHERE ARE THEY? It will mean my life and worse - failure of the mission - if I can't become one with the grass, the trees, the brambles and bugs. Let all these things drift into me so that I can tune them out one...by...one. Ah. Achieved stillness. Now, where are they?...
There!...He foolishly moved in the open. I raise my weapon in a flash. My finger slides to the trigger and the rifle bucks against my shoulder sending a deadly hail of fire to the enemy's torso. He goes down, but I have given myself away. I feel his buddy's rounds slam into me. My head and chest peppered with the stinging rain. I'm hit. I'm done for.
So that's what my friends and I did this Sunday. Airsoft skirmish. Objective was capture the flag and return it to your team's base. I have a few welts from the BBs (one really nasty one too) and scrathes from the briars. Fun as hell though!
Disclaimer: Never under any circumstance play Airsoft without approved safety gear.
LDB (of the "Airsoft plays kinda like paintball but not in a dorky way like paintball" class)