Recently at a theo night, it was mentioned that the cong was behind in their donation to the society and it was specifically mentioned that the mags and books cost $$4 and the donations weren't even with the amount of mags and books being requested. Does this not show that the society is still after the congregations for the money for "free" mags and books? What a bunch of hyprocrites.
congregation behind in their donation !!!
by buffalosrfree 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals
drew sagan
I'm guessing what the WTS did was send a letter that stated that the amount of literature that congregation ordered per month equaled $4 per person and that they where not giving enough to cover that. I've heard of this before.
I wonder, ws that cost calculated on it's wholesale or retail value? In either case, so much for their assertion that that life giving information is free!!!
Well, if they would promote higher education, then they wouldn't have to worry about it, would they?
Since the literature is "free of cost" and given for donations, this is nonsense.
I remember the C.O. coming around with unofficial costs and literature totals, then
a figure of how much this amount of literature should approximate in donations.
What a crock. "Free of cost" is just that. If I were AWOKE back then, I would
have argued with the C.O. They probably still do this everywhere.Faders who are still going, feel free to place large orders. Just give what you
want. -
I would tell them to take the shortage out of the millions of dolllars there are profitting from the sale of their buildings that we (all of us) paid for with our donations.
I would tell them to take the shortage out of the millions of dolllars there are profitting from the sale of their buildings that we (all of us) paid for with our donations.
"Just sell another building in Brooklyn. Our money went toward that years ago.
If that's not enough, dissolve our congregation and sell this building.
Didn't Jesus say that you received freely, so give freely? He was speaking to
his disciples about distributing the Good News freely, not about giving monetary
donations. Anyway, Jehovah will supply. Perhaps you should suggest that
WT corporation stop settling lawsuits and fight them all the way to court. That
last settlement must have cost about 10 to 20 dollars per publisher worldwide."This is why I avoid conversations with elders and C.O.'s. This would be the direction
I would take it after about a minute. -
I believe there was a thread about this a while ago. They had a congregation getting hounded for some money (I believe it was around $2300) that was "owed" for literature. So much for taking the prices off, and so much for complete donation arrangements. Just another reason why I hope the IRS wakes up to the whole scam.
If a congregation is consistently behind, will they stop shipping literature?