Everyone, please try to get a copy of a letter like that so I can post it.I second that! I'd be very interested in seeing that in print!
congregation behind in their donation !!!
by buffalosrfree 27 Replies latest watchtower scandals
If it's true that Australian donations are down about 33% from the previous year then that trend can be expected in other countries too.
The Watchtower's cashflow is drying up. -
I would tell them to take the shortage out of the millions of dolllars there are profitting from the sale of their buildings that we (all of us) paid for with our donations. Don't count on them making the funds available to congregations. They are going to need every penny they can get from the building sales to pay off those sexual abuse settlements.
That's nothing new. They've been doing this from the beginning, things never change. I was literature servant when the Society made the change to Free/donation for the literature.
Picking up literature at bethel is the same, only difference is, in the past you got an invoice with dollar amount, NOW, you get an invpoice with no dollar amount, the Society still tabs on each congregation and the literature they order. They can now compare what you order with what you donate.
A month after the change, we got a letter from the Society, stating that we ordered about 2,500.00 worth of literature, but only sent about 500.00, they told us we OWED them 2,000.00. They sent a second letter to be read to the congregation, about the wonderful work the Society was doing worldwide, and the P.O. stated, "for this reason we have decided to support the Society and send them a donation for 2,000.00". The congregation clapped supportively. Not realizing that they have been duped and were actrually the victim of a shakedown by the Society.
DeViL DriVeR 76
Everyone, please try to get a copy of a letter like that so I can post it.
I suspect the IRS would also be VERY interested in learning about this.
If they cheated on their taxes that would be the iceing on the cake. Any JW's who stayed would have to have the IQ's of a doorknob.
For the WTS the payment of its publications is guaranteed, the local KHs have to pay for them whatever happens. That's another burden the org imposes on its followers, having to buy its products, and whether they sell them or not, get their money back or make a loss it's their problem.
For the past decade, I have never contributed a cent to the borg. Goes to show that I wasn't really that converted as many elders wanted me to be. And yes, we got this same letter read this past week and all the drones after the meeting drop in their change. Just like trained monkeys in a circus. Except for me because my money goes to a worthy cause, feed the starving children in Africa, help people in poverty, etc. Not helping the greedy GB. Does anybody know if these crooks live in big mansions or not? If they do, it will be the icing on the cake that will wake up the drones to revolt. Many of them are living in poverty while pioneering and 'putting Jehovah first' *blech*
Raise your hand and ask them about the property they sold in NY should that cover each publishers $4 donation for at least a few months?