Poltergeists on video?

by ButtLight 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • stevenyc

    Hilarious, on the 'renovating ghost' video, you can see the string attached to the rear-right leg get pulled, before the chair gets pulled.


  • jaguarbass

    I dont know. It could be real ,could be fake. As long as its there and not here. I would think, if you show me 3 ghost videos 1 to 2 would be fake even if there really were ghost. You got the clown factor. And the wana be steven speilberg factor.

    At the jail I work at, a youth was killed a few years ago, and now his cell door closes and locks officers in the cell and the room is always cold even when the air is broke or the rest of the cell block is warm.

    Appreciate your post. It is interesting.

  • Warlock
    At the jail I work at, a youth was killed a few years ago, and now his cell door closes and locks officers in the cell and the room is always cold even when the air is broke or the rest of the cell block is warm.

    Is there any way to arrange funky derek or someone like him to observe that happening, or maybe spending a few nights there?


  • delilah

    Now what would an elder do if a JW family had that problem at home ?

    Well, JH, the entire family would be asked to remember if they'd brought anything home, from a yard sale or such, and they'd be told to throw it outside, where they'd burn it, thus casting out the demons.

    Kool vids, Buttlight....the first one looked legit, however the rest look rigged. Some were blatantly obvious, others were "iffy"...


  • loosie

    Buttlight, your posts always make the hairs on my arms stand up.

  • ButtLight

    I agree, the first one seems to be real, the rest I suppose could be fake, at least a few of them!

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Buttlight:

    No doubt interesting videos, however,
    there are some questions surrounding
    Ed and Lorraine Warren regarding
    their bias and credibility.

    Though, an open-minded individual has to
    leave the door open for the possibility
    for such an anomally as a poltergeist.


    The Wanderer

  • Warlock
    Though, an open-minded individual has to
    leave the door open for the possibility
    for such an anomally as a poltergeist.

    Ha, ha, ha.

    That's what got them in the house in the first place.


  • JH

    If a poltergeist made trouble in my house, I'd do the same thing to him or her when they would be sleeping..... hopefully scaring the s*it out of it, and making it leave....

  • Elsewhere

    lmao... those are all VERY OLD magician gags that Harry Houdini debunked and reproduced a loooong time ago.

    People... please stop being so gullible!

    If you don't wise up, some "spiritualist" or "fortune teller" will con you for every penny you have in an attempt to rid you of imagined "ghosts". I've seen this happen to others and all you are doing is setting yourself up to be conned.

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