Poltergeists on video?

by ButtLight 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight
    lmao... those are all VERY OLD magician gags that Harry Houdini debunked and reproduced a loooong time ago.

    I agree, alot of it can be done by anyone.........but the chair in the first video with the girl.......? That one has me wondering still.

  • Warlock

    I think the first one is a fake, and all the other ones could also be fakes.

    If they are genuine, then, better their house than mine.


  • delilah

    If you don't wise up, some "spiritualist" or "fortune teller" will con you for every penny you have in an attempt to rid you of imagined "ghosts". I've seen this happen to others and all you are doing is setting yourself up to be conned.

    Actually, Else, I've no interest in going to a fortune teller, or spiritualist....I'm not easily conned. I'm very skeptical, and try to reason things out logically. I've no interest in taking part in seances either. But you're right...there are those who will believe anything, and will be conned out of their money quite easily.


  • stevenyc

    Buttlight, First off, film production is my profession.

    When a story demands actors and/or objects to move to fit the story, well, I make sure they move to fit the story. So I have a eye for seeing how video production is created. It's not that I'm special, it's just that I do it all the time as my job.

    The first video clip is a fake. And an obvious one at that. When the chairs first more i can see them pivot around a single point. Then the video stops. Then when the video starts gain, they are pulled in an other direction, but still from their fulcrum. The reason you stop the video at that point is that if you saw the whole motion as one piece, it becomes a laughable trick, and the illusion is spoiled.

    But alas, that's show business.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    These are fakes, no doubt. In the one with the chair you can totally see it being pulled in the direction of the one leg that must have had the wire on it.

    Come on!

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Stevenyc:

    You mentioned to buttlight that film production
    is your profession. I would like to speak to
    you so please expect my pm.


    The Wanderer

  • Sunspot

    The one of the kitchen sink and counter made me remember the very first time I met my (then) future father-in-law.....he had just poured three glass mugs of hot coffee and turned around to get more sugar....and that stinking mug scooted a good foot away from my hand! I was so astonished..and looked at future hubby to see if HE had seen it move....(he hadn't) and didn't it do it again!

    I had never seen that happen before....and it blew my mind! I was the only one that saw it too! A few years later, I had poured hot water into a mug for tea....and didn't THAT mug do the same thing...it scooted across the formica table top! I asked around and found out that every so often, a hot beverage will DO that on a smoothe surface if there is cooler water underneath the mug...like a spill on the table. I HAVE seen it happen now and again since then.....but now it doesn't freak me out, haha!


  • loosie

    So explain the drywall one.

  • heathen

    looks like the deemonzzzzzzzzzzz at work to me ..................... scooby doo where are you ???????????? I've actually seen first hand spirits and the movement of objects so don't doubt that some stories are true.

  • stevenyc

    loosie: so explin the dry wall one

    Well this one is even more obvious. If you look VERY CLOSELY you'll see Elvis throwing a tantrum.


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