anyone else sick of stroking certain apologists egos?

by theinfamousone 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • theinfamousone

    i am quite sure most of you have noticed some anti-atheist threads... some may have noticed the backlash of pro-atheist threads... it's kinda funny to me, seems these threads are being posted by the same people, even though they are not... the problem lies here, these topics reach discussion board infamy by being 15 or more pages long... why? because there are one or two apologists, who instead of discussing it like the mature adults they are not, they ridicule and mock... they make their beliefs into fact and make fun of manyone who points out the fact that what they say is not substancial evidence but is only belief... you may even know who in particular i am talking about, but that does not matter... at this point, i am sick of allowing these men to mentally masturbate all over this discussion board...

    maybe its time to ignore them since they are only trying to evoke reactions from us????

    the infamous one(sick of the BS and an idiot for having brought himself into their world)

  • Crumpet
    am sick of allowing these men to mentally masturbate all over this discussion board...

    Give me an infamous atheist to stroke anyday!

  • Paralipomenon

    Check out the third post on the "Isn't God Awesome?" thread for my feelings on the matter. :)

    Can I call it or what?

  • theinfamousone

    good call... i guess i saw it coming but i allowed myself to get pulled in too! i thought maybe there would be some intelligence on the board

    the infamous one

  • Finally-Free
    maybe its time to ignore them since they are only trying to evoke reactions from us????

    That's what I do for the most part. I don't care if someone believes in God or is an athiest - I don't want either one trying to shove their beliefs down my throat. If I ever develop an interest in the subject I'm perfectly capable of doing my own research.


  • greendawn

    That's how debates are, there are often heated disputes, the point is to argue rationally and in a civilised manner if someone doesn't then s/he will make a bad impression of himself which is not good.

  • Gregor

    Yes, I totally agree. They have 'gone platinum' on here by pretending to have a discussion but in reality they are simply provocateurs wasting our time with long, cut and paste posts, junior high school level rudeness and mocking attempts at honest debate. It has come to the point that I wonder if the moderators are aware of what amounts to vandalizing 'taggers' who are using JWD like a wall for their spray paint message.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I haven't noticed anything of which you speak. That, of course, doesn't mean it is not happening. I haven't seen it, because if I do not like the tone of a thread, I just do not read it.


  • LongHairGal

    I tend to agree with your post about obnoxious pro or anti-athiest threads.

    Gregor hit the nail right on the head about them being "provocateurs with junior high school level rudeness" who are "using JWD like a wall for their spray paint message". I even wonder if some ever were in any way associated with the religion in the first place.

    I also feel the same way about obnoxious political "expert" threads.


  • undercover
    I tend to agree with your post about obnoxious pro or anti-athiest threads.

    That's why us agnostics are so much easier to get along with

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