Thanks for the comments, everyone!
Narkissos, you made some interesting points about the possibility of "sacred" sex versus "unclean" sex, and about how the priestly outlook on sex may have evolved from the "dark side" of earlier cultural views. I don't know that we'll ever know, but then, there's a lot about the ancient world we'll never know. What we do know is that there is a good deal of similarity between the Canaanite god Baal and the Israelite god El, and of course that extends to the later Yahweh. Since the Canaanites were heavy into sacred prostitution, your speculation is on firm ground.
Just to clarify, my treatment of the OT corpus as a consistent whole is due to the purpose of the article. About six years ago some JWs and others on this forum were claiming that OT and NT sexual morality was identical, and that women were treated with great respect by worshipers of Yahweh both in OT and NT times, just as some recent Fundamentalist apologists having been doing on this board. I wrote the article to disprove these false claims. To do this, I took their own stance, that the OT is self-consistent, and merely reported what it says.
I appreciate your comments about "porneia" and such. Clearly, what some NT writers seem to have had in mind is not necessarily what either the OT writers or moderns Christians have in mind.
You wrote:
: But the biggest misunderstanding of many (especially American) conservative Christians, imo, is to refer to Jesus or Paul as advocates of marriage and family institutions whereas the texts suggest the very opposite.
Please expand on that.
yaddayadda said:
: Hmmm...and your point is?
See my comments to Narkissos.
MariAuet said:
: Are you sure that was only back then, I felt like prperty all along as if there was a price tag hanging around my neck. Which also meant I could be written off when I didn't serve the purpose any more or didn't add enough of margin to my husband.
All Christian Fundamentalists seem to hold to the ancient notion that women are inferior, especially based on NT comments such as that women are not permitted to teach, and that women cannot hold positions of authority because "Eve was deceived but Adam was not". JWs are prime examples of this, but with the added twist that they almost consciously emulate many OT cultural mores, even more than is justified by reference only to the NT.
Zack and gumby, your comments resonate with me. When one approaches the OT and NT with modern eyes rather than the blinders imposed by Fundamentalism, one sees clearly that the religious laws and practices largely reflected pre-existing and slowly evolving cultural norms and were simply codifications of them. But this is how religions generally work after they become adopted by the majority in a culture. Religion becomes the handmaiden of the rulers to keep the populace in line.