Scientific proofs of God

by MegaDude 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shawn10538

    Proof of God??? I haven't seen a scrap of proof here or anywhere. If an athiest starts to belive in God, then he's probably having personal problems or a nervous breakdown. Just because the universe is awesome and organized seemingly, is not proof of God no matter how amazing it may be. This guys argument is basically based on this logical fallacy. B after A therefore B because of A. It just doesn't add up.

  • 5go

    As usual, you have NO IDEA what I'm talking about.

    Neither do you know what YOU are talking about.

    Go find an astrologer.


    Do you believe in the savior Jesus Christ and would he aproved of how you act.

    I don't believe in him so how I act is not a problem. He He He

    but, You by the way you act ( assuming you aren't a devil's advocate ) are not turning me over to his way of thinking.

    Like I said,


  • SirNose586

    These creatures are fascinating and we cannot explain them right now--but that doesn't mean we can't do it yet. He's still making a "God of the Gaps," i.e.: "This bee is so fascinating that God must have made it."

    Black cats and owls used to be so fascinating that we made them familars of spirits. Now we know better. In time we will understand more.

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