LIVID at knocking documentary

by avishai 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gerard
    YES,YES,YES, we do desperately need a good video to counter Knocking, but when will it happen? and Who?

    The producer/director of Mormom documentary may be interested:

    Helen Whitney. Producer, Director and Writer. Whitney has been creating documentaries about religion since 1968. Her Frontline movies have included "John Paul II: The Millennial Pope" and "Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero." She has won one Emmy and one Peabody, and been nominated for six Emmys and an Academy Award.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Gerard, that is a darn good idea.

    I searched that link but cant seem to find an email link to her directly, does anyone else know it?

    Also Im not too familiar with the Mormon documentary, so my question is this----What is her personal involvement with the Mormon religion? What is her view about it? Would she be considered "Apostate" by the Mormon church? or was she a walk away believer similiar to Joel Engardio?

  • smellsgood

    Oh, dang I must have missed that part of the documentary...I didn't see the bits focused on molestation at all, I think its going to rerun though

    I couldn't help but think that this WASN'T a documentary about Jehovah's Witnesses, it was a documentary about that holocaust survivor. It was so evident that the makers focused on only the things that to the public might come across as heroic. The things they endlessly toot their own horns about. If I'm not mistaken, I've read there were FAR FEWER than 10,000 witnesses in concentration camps, the number stated in the documentary. It was so majorly unbalanced.

    Joel should make a documentary about how Charles Manson is a bunny loving philanthropist. I bet he could pull it off. Oh, forgot to mention that he MURDERED PEOPLE. Sorry about that.

    This is just going to open up the doors more for all the people out there who are completely ignorant of the true nature of the WT. They're going to be like "oooh, I saw that documentary" and the Witnesses will puff out their chests and say, "yes, we have done so much for freedom in this country"

    Even though, had they existed around the time of the Revolutionary war, they wouldn't have been out their with their fellow Americans fighting for Independence. They didn't earn freedom in this Country. That honour belongs to the members of other religions because JW's DIDN'T EXIST seeking freedom of religion, democracy, to politicians, fighters, anything they wouldn't participate in. Whatever.

    It just gave the trite answers of the Witnesses why they did not do such and such, didn't explore them whatsoever.

    What a bunch of rubbish, and no wonder all the gung ho Witnesses posts that I've read think it's the most awesome documentary of all time.

    I agree wholeheartedly with Kid-A, we desparately need a counterdocumentary. Hell, I'd shoot it if I had the equipment.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I really don't understand why there is so much anger toward this film. (I can understand anger toward the WTS) Maybe your expatations were too high. I think the director just meant for this to be a "sllice of life" type documentary not an expose'. He found a subject that he thought was interesting and decided to make a film about it. He picked the topics he wanted to discuss and stuck to those topics. He has that right, he's the filmmaker. The version on PBS was only 1 hour and you really can't cover much material in that amount of time, especially if it all is surrounded by controversy. Secondly this was on PBS's Indepednet Lens series. (How many people even watch that.) Everything I have seen on that series was junk. I thought this film typical for the series. I don't think that the film was particularly flattering towards the JWs but i feel that it was slanted in their favor. There should have been more critics and their choice of holocoust survivor was poor. He was a jew during the war so he was only an observer of JWs at the time. I just thought it was junk but nothing to get angry about.

  • DannyHaszard

    Time plus 15 hours post PBS and we TOP the news Jehovah's Witnesses Silence Victims of Abuse (press release), Bulgaria - 2 hours ago
    A victims' rights group released documents Thursday that showed the Jehovah's Witnesses recently settled civil suits with 16 people who claimed they were ... Jehovah's Witnesses settle sex abuse cases
    Louisville Courier-Journal, KY - May 20, 2007
    A victims' rights group has released documents that show the Jehovah's Witnesses recently settled civil suits with 16 people who claimed they were 60% of internet searches by any potential recruits or their significant others will start by loading Jehovah's Witnesses or Jehovah Witness into the search bar and we apostates OWN the WWW lets maintain our tactical advantage

  • DevonMcBride
    60% of internet searches by any potential recruits or their significant others will start by loading Jehovah's Witnesses or Jehovah Witness into the search bar and we apostates OWN the WWW lets maintain our tactical advantage

    And a big thank you to Danny for making this our advantage.

  • Gerard
    Thanks Gerard, that is a darn good idea.

    I searched that link but cant seem to find an email link to her directly, does anyone else know it?

    Here is her web site:

    The 'contact' button shows these agents to contact her:Hlen is represented by:Martha Luttrell, ICM8942 Wilshire Boulevard
    Beverly Hills. CA 90211
    Sam Cohn40 West 57th Street
    New York, NY 10019

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    60% of internet searches by any potential recruits or their significant others will start by loading Jehovah's Witnesses or Jehovah Witness into the search bar and we apostates OWN the WWW lets maintain our tactical advantage
    And a big thank you to Danny for making this our advantage.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    ((((((((((((((((((AVISHAI)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) That's just horrifying.

  • sf

    I give it a thumbs down. I give Engardio two thumbs down.

    The Nazi-camp guy infuriated me when he said, towards the end, that "LIFE IS PRECIOUS..."

    The only thing that I could get excited in the least about, was that there were links provided by PBS to further 'search' out this organization.

    THAT will turn out to be a great tool.

    Avi, it's realy good to 'see' you about.


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