Movies, can you relax and watch them or are they just useless waste of time

by MariAruet 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    Most of my JW life I used to consider movies a waste of time. I would occasionally watch one with friends, but as long as I didn't choose them I was not that interested. Once, a few months after I had been df'd, I went to a movie theater with a friend of mine; the movie she wanted to see wasn't played, there was a Bergman movie instead, The Communicants. I was stunned. During the next couple of years I went to the movies every other day, starting with Bergman's almost complete filmography, and gradually discovering the wealth of classic cinematography. A great thing in Paris is that the best movies from all times and all countries are almost constantly available (and back then it was cheap). Now video completes this very helpfully, as some movies are worth being seen many times.

    What I saw over the years helped me and changed me as much as the books I've read. To me that was certainly not a waste of time.

  • sass_my_frass

    I like to get about a 1:1 ratio of movies that I watch for pure entertainment value and relaxation : good productions I learn something from. I think that if you get out of the cineplex and basically out of Hollywood you find a lot of movies that are upbuilding and inspiring. I love film festivals and short films.

  • MariAruet

    Thank you guys, you gave me a lot to think about. And thank you Narkissos, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt like that :-)

    Reason why I asked was not only because of my witness past, well partly maybe, but I was reading some papers as part of my psychology study into how cult manipulate people to the extent that they loose touch with simple things in life and cannot find a joy in anything normal or anything that is not a part of their mission. Which as you can imagine instantly rang a bell with me :-)

    Anyway, I want to post another thread about homosexuality

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