The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!

by unbaptized 67 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere

    I have faith that the Flying Spaghetti Monster will save the world and I will spend and eternity in an afterlife with a Beer Volcano and a Stripper Factory.

    Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I hope it comes before I go to work tomorrow

  • TheCoolerKing

    Oh my! I better quit my job, sell my house and become a full time pioneer tomorrow. This "Good News" really needs to be spread!

    hmmm...anyone know where I can pick up the latest copies of the Watchtower & Awake! for Field Service tomorrow?

    What's that??? Great...Gotta run guys...Ebay's having a sale on WTS literature!!!

  • DJK
    The Great Tribulation consists of constipating your mind with the darkest possible view of existence.

    LMAO Terry. By the way, does your shirt say XJW?

  • lrkr

    All that burning fossil fuel by driving around looking for people who are not at home (because they're out enjoying their families, a baseball game, a walk, a cup of coffee, their community, etc) is contributing to global warming!!!

    BTW Terry- you said it all.

  • FireNBandits


  • WTWizard

    It's all a scam. They want people to think Armageddon is coming within the next six months, so that if they leave, they are certain to die. That's what keeps people from leaving en masse.

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Well. As long as i got time for one more beer.............

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    What Terry said!

    And yes, if we did get here by evolution, we are headed for annihalation and extinction unless every last one of us start taking responsibility for our actions and stop doing whatever the hell we want to each other and the environment. The first step in taking this responsibility is to recognize, God is not going to magically step in and save us from ourselves. We have to start doing it now or we WILL join the 99.9% of all species who have gone extinct. Of course, even if we do, the sun could still go super nova and obliterate our entire planet anyway. Happens all the time in the universe. So relax, smile, have fun, be nice, don't take it all so seriously!


  • FairMind

    We must be careful lest the following apply to any of us (just being fair)

    (2 Peter 3:3-4) . . .For YOU know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires 4 and saying: "Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep [in death], all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning."

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