OH NO!!!!!!!!!!
I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized 67 Replies latest watchtower bible
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!
I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!
honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons
This is the element that was missing from other reports, so I know it's gotta be true.
The tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace. I just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour. Global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease. For all those who do not believe, they can read about these things and weep! If evolution is how we got here, then mankind is going into total annihilation and extinction. If evolution is false, then the only thing that can save mankind from himself is Jehovah!!!!!!!!!!!!!What do you think?
I think that, would "unbaptized" really believe that, he would get baptised (at last), get busy in Jehovah's work in loyal submission to Jehovah's organisation and stop troll-fishing on apostate boards.
Reality check.
99.99% of all the species that have ever lived are extinct. So, extinction is natural and inevitable.
News reports filter out the wonderful, the warm, the loving and the optimistic happening all over the world every day.
You and I will die eventually no matter what. Get used to it.
"Worry is a dividend paid to disaster before it is due." (Auric Goldfinger)
When I was 10 years old the Russians were building a nuclear arsenal in the middle of a Cold War and annhiliation seemed inevitable. Now, Russia is a broken down 3rd rate country.
In 1968 I was 21 years old and in Federal Prison. The war in Viet Nam was raging and I was a "neutral" Jehovah's Witness stuck in the middle of a world of dangerous criminals (one of whom tried to rape me.) The Watchtower Society was publishing endless predictions about Armageddon coming in 1975 and listing all the world events which made this seem an absolute certainty.
By 1975 the world would be in a famine. The increase in lawlessness would make life unbearable. Blah, blah, blah.
Get a grip.
If your bed is warm and you have a toilet that works and color TV---how bad can things be? You don't have to walk barefoot through the mud to sell your body for breakfast, do you?
The Great Tribulation consists of constipating your mind with the darkest possible view of existence.
Try being more balanced, positive and future oriented just for a few hours each day. Look for smiles. Look for happy people doing fun things. Avoid talking to depressed people so self-obsessed they can't see beyond the hangman's noose inside their own soul.
I believe that we are at a crossroads. But it is not Armageddon coming! Rather, unless we take control and put those regulators out of business who are trying to slow down progress in science and stop businesses from solving our problems with science and the free market, we are going to be in for some serious problems ahead. Terrorists, crime, the environment, the economy, and the poisons in our food all threaten us.
No, Jehovah is NOT going to step in and solve everything. In fact, only free market can do anything about it. But every time someone comes up with a product that would solve one problem, the regulators bash and shred it to pieces and it never goes on the market. We could have alternative energy by now. We could have cars that get more than 100 miles to the gallon. We could have marketed cures for cancer, diabetes, and all heart disease were it not for the FDA and the drug companies keeping these things off the market. We could have common sense taught in our schools, were it not for the administrators that keep the rubbish coming. The result is stagnation, leading to crime and terrorism. In the meantime, diseases and pollution advance and nothing ever gets done about it.
Until the leaders who promote these regulations are put out of business, there will be no solutions reaching the market. And Jehovah is not going to do diddly about it--He would just as soon blame the masses for the leaders' getting us where we are now. If anything, Jehovah creates more stagnation--for sure, the Watchtower Society creates stagnation within its members (while they pollute with their cars in service and with their printing factories in production of the crap literature).
If we enter any sort of great tribulation, it will be because our leaders will not get out of the way and let businesses and the free market solve the problems. Notably, being one of Jehovah's Witlesses is not going to make a $^#@ bit of difference at that time--if anything, it will make it even worse for you. No matter what, that Tower is no safe refuge. Maybe it is a refuse.
Terry that was so so TREAL. Truthful+Real. Very well stated
In fact, only free market can do anything about it.
I believe the freemarkets are causing the mess and the regulators are the only thing cleaning up the mess.
Example EPA
In July of 1970, the law that established the EPA was passed in response to the growing public demand for cleaner water, air and land, spurred by such scandals as the 1969Cuyahoga River fire. Prior to the establishment of the EPA, the federal government was not structured to make a coordinated attack on the pollutants which harm human health and degrade the environment. The EPA was assigned the task of repairing the damage already done to the natural environment and to establish new criteria to guide Americans in making a cleaner environment a reality.
Does this mean I can go on a spending spree, and fill all of my credit cards???