Thank you Bernadette. May your coming week be blest with love divine. Martin
Creationism hiding in plain sight
by FireNBandits 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LMAO Press Any Key!
Shepherd Book
FireNBandits: I think you misunderstood me. I was trying to say that God has been subjected to empirical tests and the tests have all turned up negative. So, when someone says that God is outside the realm of science, they are not entirely correct. You said "Show me this god raising the dead, healing people, etc. GIVE ME EMPIRICAL DATA that demonstrates the prayers you speak of are answered. You would need a cross section of people who did not pray about their problems and those who did, and then compare if there is a significant difference in the number of people whose problems were solved. Then you would need to interview each person to see if the problems were solved via natural means, or showed some sort of evidence of supernatural--in other words, nonhuman--intervention. There is no such study and the writer of that book you put so much stock in knows it." ...Exactly! Since empirically testable claims are made, they can be subjected to the scientific method. In every case (according to the book "God-the Failed Hypothesis", which I mentioned in my prior post), the results have turned up negative. You said: "Perhaps he is away and had to use the privy." Yeah, the book addresses that same argument. Perhaps God is sleeping/peeing/uninterested. But if that's the case, then he is irrelevent to our lives and unworthy of worship.
I was just in a classroom setting at the National Youth Worker's Convention in Anaheim, CA. The gentleman teaching stated that Christianity can not be supported using scientific reasoning.
Something I had never heard before. Most of the church would probably get upset and call the man a heretic, but what he had to say made complete sense. It truly is a matter of faith, not scientific facts.
From FireNBandits: "Greater minds with more persuasive pens than mine have tried to break through the meme-induced fog in a fundies mind and have failed." ......... That may be true, but your through your pen an eloquence flows that is truly captivating. I love reading your stuff and look forward to more. In appreciation, poppers.
Amend my above comment to read: That may be true, but through your pen an eloquence flows that is truly captivating. I love reading your stuff and look forward to more. In appreciation, poppers. (sure wish I could edit while using this Mac)
Hi Shepherd Book. I'm sorry I misunderstood. That happens more often now that I'm well into my fifties. The "God" I experience is not a Being seperate from myself, and there is no worship involved because there is no Ego involved. King Joe Hovah is a "tale told by an idiot; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.'
Dear Poppers:
You make me blush. Thank you for the compliment. I receive it gladly.
Yours In light and life,
Martin -
Hi Onlycurious. I'm very surprised that an evangelical leader would openly proclaim the facts about religion is such a truthful manner. If only his insight and wisdom would catch on! Perhaps then the evangelical and fundamentalist religions would cease trying to foist ID on the system. Or to try and remake the system in their image, and would lose the desire to control the lives of others. Religion, all religion, is diametrically opposed to "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Religion is about the curtailing of liberty and personal freedom beyond merely the obvious limits, such as "Your rights end where mine begin." Religion is a powerful movement to repeal "the pursuit of happiness" by curtailing and restricting sexual activity, personal choice in personal matters such as abortion, right down to dictaing how long one's hair can be, and the wearing of makeup and clothing. The history of religion is instructive in that it shows us the ludicrous extremes toward which religion goes when given power.
Martin -
THIS will be the final tactic of the ID people! "Of course we accept evolution as a fact! Both microevolution and macroevolution! We have no differences with science. We recognize evolution as the method the creator used to create the universe and all life in it."
That is exactly what my biology teacher told the class.