Proof of Fake Spirit Medium on Most Haunted

by Sirona 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Hi Everyone

    I didn't know about this scandal until the last day or two.

    Derek Acorah who stars as a spirit medium on Most Haunted, was set up recently. Basically a skeptic on the show made sure that before he visited a venue for psychic investigation, he was given fake names of people who were supposedly attached to the property but who are now dead.

    The fake names were anagrams of "Derek Lies" and "Faker Derek" etc.

    He pretended to have a trance and said these false names as though they were coming from the spirit world.

    Here is the "proof":

    Do you think all spirit mediums are fake?


  • Effervescent

    Although I must say I'm addicted to the show, more because I LOVE history and castles and such, I think this guy was the biggest fraud ever. I believe this happened at least a year or two ago, and he's since gone on to host his own show, which doesn't seem to be a fraction as popular as Most Haunted was. In fact, I haven't seen it on the Travel Channel here in the US recently, I wouldn't be suprised to hear the show totally tanked. Good riddance.

    As far as paranormal research, I'm a closet "Ghost Hunters" junkie. I love how they try to disprove everything first before they'll entertain the notion of the paranormal. And they'll run *towards* unexplained sounds, rather than acting like big babies when someones as much as farts in the dark.

  • UnConfused

    Scandal? I would have been shocked to find it wasn't fake

  • Leolaia

    So when he said "Nobody wants me anymore" on Doctor Who last year (as everyone was seeing "ghosts", not just him, in the episode "Army of Ghosts"), could it have been prophetic?

  • needproof

    I didn't get it. The video clip was awful, could have fit into a 10 second clip at the most.

  • Sirona

    You didn't get what?


  • needproof

    I didn't get the whole concept of the set up. My brain doesn't work so good in this heat.

  • SirNose586

    Sylvia Browne also got punk'd. There was a thread about it somewhere...

  • Effervescent

    Needproof- Ciaran O'keefe is the teams parapsychologist and resident skeptic. He's the only individual on the show who is anywhere close to being grounded. (The rest are loonie) Before this particular show was actually being taped, he 'suggested' to Derek Accorah, the teams Psychic and Drama Queen, that there was a ghost by the name of "Kreed Kafer" (which was an anagram of "Derek Faker") in this house. Derek took the bait and became "possessed" by said fake ghost, proving Ciaran's point that suggestion is very powerful, and more importantly, Derek was a fraud.

  • joannadandy

    We're actually having a little viewing party on June 1st for Most Haunted. Apparently they are doing a 7 hour live show. Mostly so we can yell at the TV and trash them.

    I've personally only seen the show once. It's very theatric - and really doesn't care too much about offering more solid evidence that's hard to debunk. The episode I saw involved a lot of thumping and tapping from ghosts - however none of the camera angels showed hands or feet of everyone in the room. Just facial expressions of cracks me up. Also people staring into a mirror claiming to see themselves aged. Also apparently some cameraman who's face "TOTALLY CHANGED" - I dunno - he looked the same to me. It's funny.

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