These are just a few: How about this one, brothers the time left is reduced", do not take liberties with the sisters", Charley calls", brothers and sister do not mark on the sides of your bibles", do you have secret sins", do not be saving seats", you will not be used if you wear a beard," parents are your children setting with you", are you buying out the oppertune time for your selfs", only use the motels the society wants you to use", and on and on like cults do.
What is your favorite DUB catch phrases (sayings,) ?
by PinTail 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thank you "Sister So and So" that response was "appropo.
Oh yeah, the Mormons have this saying: that was a choice experience.
I was always annoyed by those awkward phrases that they lift directly out of the NWT and then plonk into the middle of a sentence - "buying out the opportune time" etc.
does this count? when they spontaneously burst into "illustration" to try to prove a point. A lot of the time, the analogy is inappropriate or misapplied. It's really funny when this happens. Like a little kid trying to imitate his parent. Oh, crap! I just made an illustration. Little kid=dub publisher, parent=WT "master" writers. (Oy vey...i was so brainwashed...i still think like a dub...get out of my head!!!)
my least favorite one is the analogy to explain the "ransom" from the Draw Close to Jehovah book, chapter 14:
To illustrate: Imagine that you live in a town where most of the residents are employed at a large factory. You and your neighbors are well paid for your labors and lead comfortable lives. That is, until the day the factory closes its doors. The reason? The factory manager turned corrupt, forcing the business into bankruptcy. Suddenly out of work, you and your neighbors are unable to pay the bills. Marriage mates, children, and creditors suffer because of that one man’s corruption. Is there a way out? Yes! A wealthy benefactor decides to intervene. He appreciates the value of the company. He also feels for its many employees and their families. So he arranges to pay off the company’s debt and reopen the factory. The cancellation of that one debt brings relief to the many employees and their families and to the creditors. Similarly, the cancellation of Adam’s debt benefits untold millions.
" I'll have to look that up and get back to you. "
El Kabong
"Meat in due season" always made me hungry for spicy food for some reason.
"Wait on Jehovah, leave it in Jehovah's hands"
To illustrate: Imagine that you live in a town where most of the residents are employed at a large factory. You and your neighbors are well paid for your labors and lead comfortable lives. That is, until the day the factory closes its doors. The reason? The factory manager turned corrupt, forcing the business into bankruptcy. Suddenly out of work, you and your neighbors are unable to pay the bills. Marriage mates, children, and creditors suffer because of that one man’s corruption. Is there a way out? Yes! A wealthy benefactor decides to intervene. He appreciates the value of the company. He also feels for its many employees and their families. So he arranges to pay off the company’s debt and reopen the factory. The cancellation of that one debt brings relief to the many employees and their families and to the creditors. Similarly, the cancellation of Adam’s debt benefits untold millions.
I agree that is quite lame. I think it's the worst illustration I have heard so far. There's so many things wrong with it.