You know meeting attendance is bad when...

by lola28 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    Four congregations need to merge into two just to get some decent numbers. A sister from my old hall called me a few weeks ago to let me know that the congregation was moving to another hall. When I asked why they needed to move she said it was due to the fact that meeting attendance had diminished a lot in the past two years.

    The drop must have been significant because all four congregations used to be huge for example Congregation #1 was the one I belonged to, they had 23-27 regular pioneers and about 7 aux. pioneers, book studies were huge over 20 ppl ( the society asks that book studies be between 15-20 max) and you also have to add the 102 publishers,meeting attendance was always really good.

    Congregation #2 had about 100 publishers but was less "spiritual" and had only about 10 pioneers but they also always had good attendance.

    Congregation #3 was just like number 2 but with less pioneers, now we have congregation #4 which was HUGE, they have a huge Kingdom hall and I remember going to a meeting there and having a hard time finding a seat, one of the elders told me they had over 150 publishers! And now attendance is so bad for these four congregations that they had to merge them into two.

    The sister was really upset because she said a lot of the publishers did not want to have to move to another hall, many of the older sisters went to the elders and explained that their spouses ( who are not jws) would not be willing to drive them to a hall that was 20 min away from their old hall because of the cost of gas, they are also older women and it would be really hard for many of them to walk to the new hall and lets be honest in SoCal it gets really hot during the summer how the hell do they expect these women to walk to the meetings in the summer heat?

    The sisters threw a fit and finally the elders agreed to have the congregation vote on whether to move or not, well before the vote was to happen Elder D went in front of the congregation and said that the society REALLY felt that they should move to the other hall, well we all know that when the society says jump you don't question it you just say "how high?" so everyone voted for the move.

    Personally I don't care where they go to because I have no plans of ever going to another meeting but I love alot of these women and it hurts to see them be put in this situation, I know that they will crawl to the meetings if they have to because they believe so strongly in the society but why should they have to kill themselves to get to the meetings?


  • nvrgnbk

    I cant wait to see this cult crumble.

    We'll be here for those that need our support.

  • blondie

    Of course, it never occurred to the elders to provide alternate transportation for these sisters to get to the meetings without spending their non-JW husbands gas.

  • candidlynuts

    those sisters will be considered weak and possibly marked for not sacrificing enough to make it to all the meetings.

    the hall i used to attend, its attendance is down by half and they've done away with the theocratic ministry school " B" hall.

    all the minesterial servants are under 20 yrs old. and all the elders are over 65 yrs old.

    wheres the middle aged people?

    home like me on jwd? LOL

  • lola28

    I don't know candi but i do know that they have lost a lot of the younger members, my pioneer partner got DFed and several others have become inactive including two elders.


  • Cicatrix

    I can just imagine what the loving counsel will be:

    "Now Sister So-and-So, haven't you read the account of poor Sister Such and Such in the 2006 yearbook? She is a widow living in a mud hut with her six children. She WALKS six hours each way to the nearest Kingdom Hall, carrying her youngest on her back.She NEVER misses a meeting, as she understands that Jehovah's COMMAND to partake regularly of spiritual food are as ESSENTIAL as taking in physical food.Now, dear sister, here you are in the PROSPEROUS United States. You have so MUCH to be THANKFUL for. And of course, we all KNOW that the time left is REDUCED, so MATERIAL THINGS should not be what we are STRIVING for. JEHOVAH WILL PROVIDE. If you are OBEDIENT to Him."

  • Robert222

    Sort of the opposite happened in my area. The wealthy JWs got tired of working the territories of low income people. So they split from two congregatons to three. The numbers did not justify the split. Now the wealthy JWs driving their corvettes no longer have to feel guilty mixing with the JWs of little means who are struggling to support their children and struggling even getting to the mtgs in the first place.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They closed down a congregation by us and assigned them to various halls. Most of the publishers now have to drive 45 minutes to attend the meetings.

    The kingdom hall was a quick-build just a few years ago. They sold the hall and guess who got the money?

  • OnTheWayOut

    The sister was really upset because she said a lot of the publishers did not want to have to move to another hall, many of the older sisters went to the elders and explained that their spouses ( who are not jws) would not be willing to drive them to a hall that was 20 min away from their old hall because of the cost of gas, they are also older women and it would be really hard for many of them to walk to the new hall and lets be honest in SoCal it gets really hot during the summer how the hell do they expect these women to walk to the meetings in the summer heat?

    If they keep the hall but move the congregation these sisters attend:
    They could simply ignore the congregation vote, explaining afterward that their husbands hadn't changed their position.
    Then they go to the same kingdom hall and the new congregation, saying they must do it.

    If they sold the hall, then start missing meetings. (I know- dreaming.)

  • lawrence

    Maybe someone can buy an old hippie bus and transport the sisters en-masse to the new hall. Have the Grateful Dead booming, a hookah for pre-meeting attitude adjustment, and some boxed wine for after the sales meetings.

    Lurkers... these are real stories about an Organization you support and defend. Do the math, then smell the roses, then get the hell out!

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