Sweet strawberries?

by greendawn 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    It's too early right now. I bought some this week that were big and beautiful and dark red. I cut into them, preparing them for shortcake, and they were solid white inside. Probably grown in a hothouse. I sliced them all, put sugar on them and put them in the refrigerator for the day. They sweetened right up and were pretty nice with the dessert. But by themselves, they were tasteless.

    So.............buy them later in June.

  • Honesty

    Scully, those in your hand look like Raspberries instead of strawberries.

    I have both in my backyard and could have them confused but I am pretty sure you got some raspberries.

    They are sweeter than strawberries to me.

  • Gregor

    We've been having Strawberries for the last few days and have a big bowl in the frig right now. All from Safeway and so sweet they need no sugar.

    When one of our kids was a tyke she had difficulty pronouncing "strawberries". It came out "strawl barelys". which we still call them.

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