April 1st 2007 WT pounds 1918/1919!

by cultswatter 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    As if the poor dubs did not know already that Jesus approved of the WTS in 1919 Sheesh!!!!

    This magazine is relentless though - it pounds the 1918/19 dates over and over. Both study articles are promo pieces for the FDS theoarchy. The loaded language says to submit to the FDS/elder power structure. These articles also suggest (subliminally) that the elders are equal to the FDS in authority. (A change to the power flow chart?) I read both study articles and almost had to hurl thinking back to the time when I believed this S*IT.

    Another thing . I have noticed less and less mention of 1914 lately. There was a time when 1914 was all the WTS talked about. Now the shift is to pounding 1918/19 as an effective coverup of 1914. My theory is that the power brokers of the WTS actually know that 607BCE is wrong so they are diffusiing this difficult situation very slowly. They don't want a mass exodus like the one that happened in 1926/27/28. Little do they know that their sneaky decoy will fail because the New World government TM could not have started until 1934 so Jesus could not have approved of the WTS until after 1934!!. See total genius!! the power brokers can't wiggle out of this one!!!

  • cultswatter

    I replied to my own post to see the reply counter go up

  • FireNBandits

    The Bible Student groups still cling to the 1914 date, as well as 1918 (I think) and are quite clever in wiggling around it. At least to their own satisfaction. I've written the Dawn Bible Students at [email protected] and the Layman's Home Missionary Movement at [email protected] and engaged them in short discussions on this topic. They soon became irrational. Nice, but irrational.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Cultswatter,

    Some time back, I would not have been able to deal mentally with an analysis such as yours. What you have worked out so clearly and logically - to our mutual intellectual benefit - would most likely remain unfathomable to most JWs. Of course, they wouldn't be permitted even to reach first base on such matters, given all the built-in thought-stoppers. This, and countless other like analyses, are now very clear to you and me - the connected dots begin to form a very clear-cut and frightening picture.
    We see it, they can't - at least not yet. Stay with it; you've made your point.



  • garybuss

    I'm getting a kick out of it all. This whole date dance was so predictable. 1914's only important now for supporting argumentation for the 1919 appointment claim, otherwise 1914's as hollow as a Halloween pumpkin.

    The claim of the Gentile times ending in New York in 1914 is hilarious to me. I thought the Gentile times ended in 1947. The problem with acknowledging that is it didn't happen in the United States and it happened in Israel. That has a certain implication.

  • sf

  • heathen

    I think they shoot themselves in the foot whenever they say things like ,God always had representatives he comunicated with on earth. It doesn't make sense since there was obviously no religion that was not in apostasy until the WTBTS proclaimed it's release from the Babylon the great .Not to mention the flimsy mathmatics involved with the 1914 date .

  • Mary

    Yep....truly nauseating. I did a thread about it a few months ago along with my always-diplomatic comments. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/129061/1.ashx

  • steve2

    Never before has a religion put so much concerted focus on the alleged significance of dates whilst the rank and file have fallen asleep at the wheel. Yawn...

  • Honesty

    I have some inside information regarding 1918/1919.

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