The girl next door (well accross the street anyway)

by darth frosty 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I went to this party/ social function last night (I am trying to get over my social anxieties) and I ran into a witness girl who use to live accross the street from me. We started catching up and low and behold both of us are no longer in the cult. She stopped in 02 me in 04 (I guess that makes her a lil bit wiser than me.) It was great to talk to her and catch up. I tell you the biggest of all the injustices that the WT$ cult inflicts on its prisoners is the education thing. She was telling me how she had to turn down 2 full scholarships because her parents were brainwashed by the cult. Instead the encouraged her to seek a noble trade like hairstyling.

    Please dont get me wrong Hairstyling is and can be a noble profession...If thats what you truly want to do. But if you have other goals and talents it becomes a waste .

  • bikerchic

    Good to hear more young people are getting out of the cult. Glad you had good time socializing, ain't life fun!

    I ofter wonder if there is any one under the age of 60 attending the KH now.

  • UnConfused

    ....and your next plan is? Getting your hair cut at her place? <grin>

  • LtCmd.Lore
    I ofter wonder if there is any one under the age of 60 attending the KH now.

    Well I know of a few... Me for one, but not for long.

    On another good note: A young woman that I know was just recently announced as: "No longer a witness" at last Thursday's meeting. (I don't know any details, I just know that they DIDN'T say that she was DF'd, just that she's not a witness anymore, so maybe she DA'd?)

    She a single mom with two real young kids. So I'm happy for her, and I'm happy for them...

    But I still have to pretend to be sad for the family... (Can't walk up to them with a big grin on my face or anything.) But I'm all smiles inside.


  • gaiagirl

    Perhaps this young woman's parents just wanted her to turn out like Heather Graham's character, also a hair stylist in the film "Say It Isn't So" (quite funny, albeit with a great deal of language and crude humor). Kidding aside, the observations about education are valid, JWs don't want their kids exposed to ideas from channels other than the WTBTS, quite a contrast to, say, UU's, in which every kid is encouraged to ask questions and become as educated as they wish.

  • Crumpet

    Thats great news! I hope you told us about us bunch!

  • blondie

    Darth, have her check into scholarships for older or returning students. Not every scholarship is for the 18 year old just leaving high school. Many universities even have a department for helping older students get those monies.

    I had to get a job and support my family, since my parents divorced the year I graduated. The "brothers and sisters" weren't any help except to make sure to let my mother know she couldn't remarry without being df'd.


  • free2think

    That's really good darth. SO have you arranged another meet up?

  • chuckie8

    She can make good money being a stylist. I am sure if she wasn't happy doing it then she would change her "trade" for another. Some people are ok with living their so-so life and as we know others are not. We should not judge them for working jobs we would never dream of. Someone has to do it or we would all look like hippies!

  • nvrgnbk

    Sounds interesting. Just don't hurt her, or let yourself get hurt. That would suck.

    Hope you two can develop a nice, uncomplicated friendship.

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