I am sorry I got you upset, board biggie. You seem to be getting emotional and that is not like you.
Now, as far as my agreeing with Mommy, I did that because I agreed with her. Seems sensible to me. I have had major disagreements with her as well. Also, I have had major disagreements with Kent and JanH which you consider memebers of the elite. I have also disagreed with Waiting, who I consider a friend. On the other hand, I have been known it agree with you and even compliment you, on occasion. So, you do not have a monopoly in calling it as you see it.
What is a corporate type, and why are you resorting to stereotyping? How do corporate types differ from truck driver types?
My comments to ring are relevant because I clearly stated that they had been attacked and had a perfect right to call people on this. I explained later to you that I thought Tina was wrong in the language that she used, but you ignored that and came back with the fact that I suggested that Victoria chill out AFTER tina called her a moron. You might want to go back and check the time of Tina's post. It was at 4:22. My post to Victoria was at 4:24. Hence, I was writing my post while Tina's went up and therefore I didn't see it. After that Tina and Victoria got into it. At 4:36 I gave Victoria some words of encouragement and went to bed, as I was dead tired and didn't need to enter the fray between the two women. At the time I wrote my chill out comment along with my opinion about the UN situation, Victoria was not facing an "onslaught" as you assert. I don't think that Victoria took my words as a "censure" as you assert, since she has not said anything negative to me or about me. My comment was tied into a rational statement of my view of the situation she had asked about. By the time I came back to the board the following evening, the fight appeared to be over, hence, I felt no need to comment on it. I did comment on ring's remarks who asserted, as you did, that most if not all of the "seniors" are attackers. As I pointed to him, 75% of the most frequent posters do not fit this category.
At one point, you state that perhaps that those with the most posts are fools, and have no life. Later, when I stated that I am going to watch a football game, you state that I am running and hiding. So, I am damned if I do (fool with no life) and damned if I don't (running and hiding). Since you are now of the elite, with your good threads (not cloths) you have contributed lately, perhaps you could guide me in reaching a proper balance.
Last but not least. My team won; I hope yours does too. This would help reduce the stress I put you under.
By the way I chuckled all the way through your thread - quite amusing.