Before the Circuit Overseer comes, the elders must get their acts together, greet those they might typically ignore, "shepherd" them too. Right.
What Actually Made You Leave The "Truth"?
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
The Society is lying to us.
I also grew up JW by force, my parents were so I had to be. Never really felt like I belonged always an outkast!!!
So I new long before my 18th birthday that I'd be outta there on my birthday. I played the role for as long as I could but the older or closer to 18 I got the more trouble I got my self into with the elders.
I did everything I could to rebel and prove to myself that I was not like the others and would never be, unfortunately I was trying to convice people that didn't care, their job was to make sure I conformed!!!
Would never be a submissive type wife, would never let anyone or any religion tell me what to do, wear, think or anything else!!!
The wanderer
Dear Minimus:
Personally, I was considered a "bad seed" because
I tended to question matters in the organization.
For example, one Sunday morning I asked this
question during a Watchtower study.
"Why is it necessary to become critical or
condemn other religious organization when
we already have the truth?"
This comment was followed by cold, icy,
hard looks and stares.
The Wanderer -
Cold Creek Swimmer
I am like so many others on this board. When you start to put all the problems together, you realize that it is all a house of cards that cannot stand up to any scrutiny. Combine that with the only defense they have-attack the individual with questions-and you know without a doubt that it's all a lie.
I have a friend who has a great saying that really applies to "The Truth": "You can't polish a turd."
I married as a teen and lots of things that happened after that was enough to make me walk away. The way I was treated by the elders when I left him, just some of the things I was told the guilt tripping I was put through by them to get back with him no matter what had happened. We were both too young- he in his 20's, me a teenager, so I don't hold any of what all happened against him. We were too young to be married and we were all wrong for each other. By the way not all teen marriages are based on sex. I married too young to get out of my parents house- a poor choice looking back but at the time it looked like a plan.
That is exactly my story and reason for leaving. After my mind was free enough to question, the dominoes fell.
The cost/benefit ratio. They kept setting me up to just meet other men. And I realized that if I were to get in, I would find a whole world with nothing but other men. The sisters would have been driven out by my being there, and would have all had to die for that. The realization that I would have forever to think of this, and suffer the unbearable consequences, was enough to cause me to revoke my dedication to Jehovah forever (at least I can't suffer through this if I'm dead).
And that was before looking at my first apostate Web site. In fact, I turned apostate just to get out of living forever in a world with nothing but men and then having to bear the full responsibility of it. I realized that only by making sure I wouldn't get into that wretched new order, could there be anything but men willing to make it in. And then I see the other things wrong with that organization--for sure, not something I would recommend.
You pay a high positive cost (giving up something of positive value). You get negative benefits (you would be worse off than not getting it). Why would I want to waste my time on this crap?
they took our lives away from us, we gave our youth to a bunch of lying bastards who will protect their own but hang some poor smuck out to dry.
never again
btw, if that sounds bitter, it is.
Couldn't take any more delusional explanations of life...
Stayed away from meetings because of this and then...
Read CoC and told them all to go to hell...
I left because of my parents at the time. Yet, with the help of this forumn, I now understand what I was taught to believe in, and now understand why I should never go back, and its also a confirmation for myself that I will never go back...