I didn't leave the "Truth" but I did find the truth after I left the cult of Jehovah's Witnesses.
What Actually Made You Leave The "Truth"?
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
Great topic minimus!
For me it began by a simple "lack of love" and abundant arrogance by the elders!!!
I just posted what caused my beginning of the end as a JW: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/135198/1.ashx
i took a book
and told a few friends I had it.
then they wanted the book back, but I said no
then I said I'd sue them if they were mean
so they were very nice
then they let me go
I'm still in the organization but I left it mentally. I did a few solid weeks of investigation of JW doctrine and reading the Bible without the WT blinders. Tha's what has led me to the process of leaving.
I agree w/ you Mini about your take on the lack of love. I am 3rd Gen JW, so I never knew anything else. But since my family had been in so long, I knew a lot of the JW secrets, their changes in beliefs. We had a huge library that had all the old books, the pyramid stuff, the Judge's talks on albums, etc. So the stuff that many people are shocked to find out, we already knew.
My first steps in leaving were when my then fiancee had a nervous break down and they DA'd him because he was talking "against the truth".
My second step was when my GF's JW hubby admitted to her that he was in love and having an affair w/ a chick from work. But he never admitted it to the elders. When they had their grand meeting w/ the elders, they told her that if she were a better wife then her husband would not be unhappy in his marriage and she should try harder. Shortly thereafter the jw hubby charged up 30k in crap and then left her w/ the debt, cause he went back home and worked for cash w/ his cousin who did drywall (yes the cousin was a good upstanding JW elder), so it looked like hubby did not have any money, so the creditors went after her. When my GF wrote a letter to her ex's congo and cc'd the WTBTS, her elders pulled her into a JC and told her that she was going ahead of Jah's org and questioning things and since she no longer had a husband that they were her spiritual head and if she had questions she was to go to them.
I was done. I thought to myself, you people need to get a life ... AND THAT WAS WHAT I DID ... I left and started living my life. Any religion that treats women like second class citizens (especially considering that in the US most of their fan base are women) ... well that religion can kiss my arse!
My English teacher in Satan's Community College had us write about a controversial subject we had strong feelings about. I chose the blood issue. Then the bastard told us the following week we had to write another paper on the same subject, but we had to take the opposite stance. This led to researching on the internet what "the other side" had to say about blood. This revealed many lies as you might imagine. I was gone, Daddy Gone after that.
Crafty Lady
My sister was disfellowshipped for living with her boyfried. A short time later they married and came in to the restaurant where I was working. Her husband told me they were married and I told him I still couldn't talk to her because she was disfellowshipped. Even as that stupid sentence crossed my lips, something snapped in me right then and there. I'll always remember the incredulous look on his face (you know, that look that says WTF?). I left soon after. I owe her one! Thanks, Sis!
The lack of love was also a factor there was no real spiritual depth everything was nothing more than an appearence and the org seemed to be geared to serving the interests of those that set it up rather than the followers.
The supposed spiritual guides, the elders, were nothing but amateurs and part timers unlike the priests and pastors of serious religions and the entire elder arrangement superficially and shabbily thrown together. No professional full timers.
I took a step backwards when I realized that they weren't reasonable, always asking for more and more.
I took another step backwards, when I lost my job and I was going through rough times, and they didn't care.
I took another step backwards, when they changed the rules of the game, and re defined what a generation is, thus telling me I might die of old age.
I took another step backwards, when I joined this forum, because I saw so many other people who weren't happy or were victims of the "truth".
In the mid 90's I got in the middle of warring elders, and the most corrupt CO on the planet.
I wrote a letter for 2 of the elders, and confided in a 3rd elder about the whole thing, asking for help with a confidential matter.
After being promised confidentiality, not one hour later I get a call from the CO, telling me to back off what I was doing. I was blackballed in the hall, losing my second school first, and then the bookstudy, then asked to resign.
A few years later, I saw that when a person is emotionally ill, it is NOT taken into account in a matter of df'ing. I asked for time for my son to see a therapist, DENIED, and then was lied to repeatedly by an elder about this matter.
I coasted until 2002, when the sex abuse scandal hit. I told a relative to relax, it was just some isolated stupid elders, and that I would research it.
After hundreds of hours researching it, I realized that they were LYING LYING LYING. About the sexual abuse of children, for God's sake.
And that was that. I realized that the same people who made this ongoing decision for 2 witnesses to child sexual abuse were the same ones writing the articles about love in the congregation, about how immoral petting was, about the dirty rottem Catholic priests, etc etc etc.
THE SAME GUYS are writing the doctrines as this completely jackass sex abuse policy.
After that, the UN membership. Then the '34 yearbook, then 1925; I realized that not one single thing they had ever told me was true.
Not blood policy, not prophecy, not anything.
That, as they say, was that. I am now a very happy fader.