my son's father is a JW

by justmyself 19 Replies latest social family

  • blondie

    JG, it's just for show. I worked in child custody for some time and it was amazing how many JW parents shot themselves in the foot by being combative and unreasonable with the encouragement of some dimwitted elders.

    You don't have God's blessing unless you are being persecuted Syndrome.


  • juni

    Welcome justmyself to the forum!

    Blondie gave you excellent information. Don't panic. Read and be informed.


  • justmyself

    Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this and Thank you so much for the good advise. I studied along time ago w/ a jw and I know a little but, unfortunately it has gotten ugly already and I'm worried about my son who is 8 yrs old by the way. His father has given him bruises and same goes for his new wife as well and my son has no idea how to tell his father that he doesn't want to go to meetings ect.. I have gone to mediation in Febuary of this year and the mediator told my ex-husband to spend sometime w/ his son ect... But, he doesn't listen very good to other people that aren't in the box with him. I've have called the police because my son almost drowned a few week's ago when he was with his dad but, his dad was not home and he lied to the police and said he was home when he told me that he was out fishing. His new wife is only 21 years old and doesn't know how to handle situations good at all. She has said nasty things about me in ear shot of our son like calling me b**** and has said that I can't fincially support myself or my son or even pay my bill's ect... My ex-husband left me and are son when he was 2 yrs old and I have fended for myself and son since then..

    I have alot on him because he has mentally, physically and verbally abused our son in the past and know he is doing it again.

    Thank you all for your time.....

  • BFD

    Welcome, justmyself. I do not have much experience with regard to custody cases but what from you've posted I think it would be most important to document everything.

    Hope all goes well.

    BFD Here's a hug for you.

  • free2think


    I am so sorry you are going through this. My heart goes out to both you and your son. I hope the advice you have gotten has been helpful and please keep posting. We are always here if you need any support or further advice or just want tot talk.

    If there's anything I can do please let me know, via pm, i'd be only too happy to help in any way I can.

  • dawg

    Go see a great laywer, make sure you maintain custody, have your son read Crisis of conscience, read it yourself, and kick your husband right directly in the balls. OK?

  • Kudra

    I don't really have any advice in this arena but hearing things like this make me want to spit nails (at the JWs..!). Your son's life is at stake- literally.

    Ask them in front of the judge what they would do if the son needed a life-saving blood transfusion- they'd deny it to him.

    Ask if he would be allowed to participate in after school activities, like sports or being in a school play. The answer is no. Not allowed for kids of JWs.

    No prom allowed. No girlfriends allowed. No school friends who are not JW allowed. No holiday celebrations allowed.

    A terrible life for a developing young man.


  • moshe

    Your son could use some positive male role models- non-JW, of course. Big brothers, male relatives, cub scouts. Good luck and get a good lawyer, preferably one that has had experinece with JW's. Call around, you can find one.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Hey justmyself,

    Welcome to JWD!!

    I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Was your son's father a JW before you got pregnant? or did he become one after?

    As someone else stated, it's really hard to take a child from his/her mother, just make sure all your ducks are in a row, if he pays childsupport keep all receipts, keep a calander of when he has the child and maybe you should only allow him to take him to meetings when he has visitation, your time with him is yours and should not be taken away for any reason unless you both agree.

    check out the website that Junction guy suggested, another memeber of JWD recently went through a custody hearing I think his name is blizfan (?), check the directory maybe he can give you some pointers!!

    Good luck


  • justmyself

    Hello everyone it’s me (Justmyself) just here to give you all an up to date on how things are going or even not going. Well my ex has known gone and filed paper work trying to change physical placement. He filed them on June 6th and I just got them July 5th. And yes I did go and get myself and my son a Lawyer. So things haven’t been the greatest in the last few months. I’m trying to stay focus on the things that are at hand and that is trying to keep my son safe…

    Just wanted to let you all know and hope all is well with everyone!!

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