Hi,is it wrong to turn in a committedJW who has been sleeping with someone at the same time he goes to meetings and such and what would happen to that person if he was found out-what would happen to the person that turned him in.
turn in
by fiveangels 17 Replies latest jw friends
the person who turned him in would get a slap on the back and a thanks for doing the right thing... next you would probably need two witnesses for anything to ever happen... next if they believe you and the person is not "repentant" then he may be diffed...kicked out and shunned.. i guess the moral dilemma is, do you really want to be a rat?
i gotta say though, i hate hypocrites like this person you speak of... in my old hall, pioneer was f*ing everything that walked.... NASTY
the infamous one
Wow, fiveangels, judging from this post and your previous one, it seems like you have some serious relationship problems with a JW. A JW is only really accountable to the congregation if he is a baptized member. If he is, and it is discovered that he has been practicing fornication (sex outside of marriage), he is subject to discipline by the congregation. The discipline might take the form of a public reproof (slap on the wrist) to being excommunicated. If he's excommunicated (disfellowshipped), all JWs are to avoid any communication with him. Even JW family members are to avoid him (except for "necessary" family matters). However, the congregation elders must have proof or a confession before they can administer any discipline. JWs also have a two-witness rule in place that says that a member cannot be disciplined unless there are two or three witnesses to the sin. So, your word alone will not be enough to get him in trouble, unless he confesses.
I wish you all the best with your relationship problems. We'd be able to offer you better advice if you told us more about yourself and your relationship. All the best - NEJ
Hi,is it wrong to turn in a committedJW who has been sleeping with someone at the same time he goes to meetings and such and what would happen to that person if he was found out-what would happen to the person that turned him in. From a true Biblical standpoint it isn't necessary. The Bible doesn't instruct Christians to confess their sins or anyone nor for someone to confess someone else's sins to another man. From the JW standpoint however, members are under obligation to confess their sins to elders and if someone else knows about it they are supposed to report it to elders if the offender doesn't.
That's the case with JWs if the person is found to have had sex out of marriage s/he will be expelled though at times if the person is thought to be repentant they may allow them to stay in under certain restrictions.
I think one of the questions that needs to be answered first is what is the agenda or motive in turning the JW in. I found for those who were turning others in it was to save their own souls in the process. However, it never worked out that way. One girl turned in the guy she knew was fooling around because he had done it w/ her and she was hoping that she would be able to get him to return to her. But that did not happen, instead, he cried and said he was sorry and in the end she was made to be the "dirty" one, she was df'd and he was privately reproved.
I find it interesting that JWs condemn Catholics for confession, but they expect JWs to do their own version of it, just with greater consequences (i.e., df'ing or da'ing)
Anyway, you need eyewitness proof that they have stayed overnight together alone unchaperoned and by 2 people, preferably baptized JWs viewed as good examples (truthtellers). One person's accusation is usually not enough unless the person confesses or there is evidence such as a pregnancy (DNA proved).
Why would you want to turn them in. If both people are agreeable and they aren't having sex with someone else's spouse.......
thanx for the posts,I don't really know where to start this is so complicated.My ex totally committed JW fiance was born and raised a witness.He left the organization about 12 or so years ago,then about 3 years ago he decided to get back in.We were dating back then.At that time he told me we had to end it so he could get reinstated.lo and behold I found out at the same time he told me we couldn't see each other,he also found a girl that was studying.A few weeks into that relationship,he started seeing me again as well as her.I know I was stupid but all I cared about was being with him.Anyway he kept up with meetings,ended up ditching the girl and told me he finally realized he did love and want to be with-this was last summer.We made plans to be married,the whole nine yards.At this time he said he didn't care what anybody thought or saw or said-he just wanted to be with me.I studied for awhile but I couldn't get into it.He still wanted to be with me.We were even making plans for holidays last Wednesday.Friday he sent me a message saying he was going out of town.Later that nite he said he couldn't do this anymore-didn't want to get caught-blablabla.Said it was too late even if I took up studyng again.A couple weeks before all this he had spent Friday nite at my house and early Sat morning JW(from his Hall) came to my door and knew it was his vehicle sitting in my yard.
hope this helps,i am so stressed so confused so hurt so in love with a JW
Where I work the saying is snitches get stiches. When I read the news it seems to be the same everywhere.
troubled mind
So why your really asking is because this other JW may likely snitch on him, and your concerned about the fall out.
Looks like this will most likely happen . If your BF goes to the elders first and confesses it will go easier on him .Makes him look more repentant ,but seeing the history you both have it's not likely things will go well for him.