turn in

by fiveangels 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    I am sorry to hear about your heartache. You certainly are not the only one who has had to make the decision to make a final and clean break from a JW. In the end, it really is in your best interest just to walk away and start your life. You deserve to have a man that can love you whole heart and whole soul and this JW wannabe cannot. It is not fair to you that he strings you along. As hard as it is to do, you need to walk away and count your blessings.

    To answer your original question. I don't think turning him in will make YOU feel better and right now, you need to do what is best for you.

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Wow. This is the kind of shit that usually happens to a JW in high school/college........not after. In turning him in, you may think it will help him to make his decision to be with you a little easier.or push him to at least make a decision, and stop flip-flopping. IT WILL BACKFIRE. He'll be drawn in, Disfellowshipped maybe.and then he will spend all his time determined to be re-instated. And, end up shunning you..........this is all theoretical of course. One thing I think you should understand is this: Even if he says (and probably means) that 'he doesn't care, and he just wants to be with you'... in his mind, and what we are told at the meetings are that he's living a double life. Henceforth, he will be punished accordingly. Either now, or at Armageddon. He probably really does mean it when he makes his commitment to you....with all his heart. but the mind control is so deep seated in this organization, He spends hours at night sleepless thinking about his demise......and how, or what he can do to "fix" the situation. I'm sorry you're caught up in this......it will NOT get better until he makes the solid decision to be with you come hell or high water.....and even then, there will be little voices of destruction in his head for a long time.

  • fiveangels

    what if i have letters he has written me saying how he felt and that he wanted to marry me

  • fiveangels

    are you saying if i turn him in he might think about coming out-would the elders boot him out.i want to hurt him but i don't all i want is him back,however i can do it or whatever i have to do

    any suggestions

  • fiveangels

    is there anything I can do to get him back,please I am desperate,can't eat,can't sleep,can't function properly.I am totally messed.I need him back.

  • R.F.
    what if i have letters he has written me saying how he felt and that he wanted to marry me
    I don't understand. Do you mean you have letters you want to turn in to the congregation??

    are you saying if i turn him in he might think about coming out-would the elders boot him out.i want to hurt him but i don't all i want is him back,however i can do it or whatever i have to do

    I would think that turning him in wouldn't help at all. If he really wants to get in I don't think that will make him want to stay with you more.

    is there anything I can do to get him back,please I am desperate,can't eat,can't sleep,can't function properly.I am totally messed.I need him back. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think the organization has his heart. I know it has to be difficult but as many here have already said, you deserve someone that will love you unconditionally.
  • fiveangels

    yes i have letters i don't want to turn them in just wondering what

    would happen if i did

  • misanthropic

    I think you just need to let him go.

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