My only answer is this: The Word came down from heaven and was made man.
What was the Word?
I do not know. I confess the Word became flesh but I don't have a clue "what" the Word is. I confess the Word is the Only Begotton Son of God.
What do I mean by "only begotton?"
I do not know.
I do not know a lot. The Trinitarians "know." The Jehovah's Witnesses "know" something that is just the opposite.
Right now, I do not cofess a lot of "whats" however, I do confess a relationship with the "whos" of the whole thing.
My faith has been reduced to what I call "the absolute catholicity of the Early Church." What is absolutely catholic (small c) is a very, very narrow range.
V. PS: Dep, I will share something with only you, however, you must not tell ANYONE: The Arians were probably closer to "catholic" than the backers of Nicea.....only the Arians lost politically as Nicea was enforced by emperial force...not theological correctness. I glad only you are aware of my thinking on this. I still get along with the Trinitarians as I can confess both the Nicean and Apostals Creeds with a clear conscience.